Falling for the Dark Side 719 members · 438 stories
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I saw this blog which was a SombraXCandance. I thought it was highly cute and I was wondering if it would work and if you would read it. You're Probably wondering how I would write such a thing when King Sombra is dead, but what if he wasn't or if it was another dimension. But then again Fluttershy and Sombra would just be so cute!

So what shall it be: Candance or Fluttershy?

Well we already have a sombra x fluttershy fic, it'd be nice to see something new :pinkiehappy:

Draconian Soul
Group Admin

Whatever helps your story better

I love how you went straight to the point :yay:
I wish I knew how to spell candance :rainbowlaugh:
But what do you think :twilightsmile:?

Your welcome :ajsmug:.

I want to make some sort of gamers group.

2164119 If you need me just pm me im good all day

Will do! So what would be group be called, hmmmmm,

2164292 GLAD YOU LIKE IT(ps are you working on anything if not i got a story in mind:pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

I'm working on some things, but I'm always up for ideas :rainbowdetermined2:

To me, it can go both ways.

I find Sombra x Fluttershy adorable and find them a cute pairing. Sombra can be a soft hearted pony when ponies like Fluttershy treats him like rainbow farts. Or Fluttershy finds Sombra being evil as an attractive attribute is another one.

While Cadence can be a cut-out cardboard character, that pink flank is getting loving from Sombra! :moustache: I can see Sombra capturing Cadence, bonding with her, and a relationship develops. Shining Armor and Flash Sentry will be butt buddies in a relationship, so Cadence digs Sombra

Does that make sense?


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