Falling for the Dark Side 719 members · 438 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Draconian Soul
Group Admin

Ladies and Gents, I think it's time we start out talking about contests.

That's right: good old contest for those who are up to the challenge. I want to keep people's creativity flowing, so at least once a month, I'm going to have writing contests. Starting out, they'll be small rewards, you know like blog promotions and ways to get you noticed, but maybe... just maybe... we'll branch out to bigger prizes. Who knows.

The biggest thing to take out of this though is that you should have fun. I mean, what's more fun than writing fics about the good guys falling for the big bads :rainbowkiss:?

So, with that said, let's discuss:


-Unless stated otherwise, all contest entries are to have a minimum of 2k words. If it's a one-shot challenge, max can only reach 10k.

-No fics that have been released prior to the contests are allowed for entry.

-Some contests will have rating requirements (Everyone, Teen, or Mature). Anything above or under those requirements will be disqualified by default.

-To keep things fair, if you have won a contest twice in a row, you must sit out the next one.

-Stealing other fics will result in disqualification from any future contests. So don't do it. Seriously. We'll know :ajbemused:


Me (of course :raritywink:)


Pearple Prose

Skeeter The Lurker


Now that you know the basics, expect some pretty swanky contests to come, and have fun writing. Also, feel free to suggest any contests that you would like to see. All suggestions will be considered so long as they fall under the group guidelines.

Have fun my pretties


Simple pitch:

Twilight is seduced by the dark side. Author's choice of the villain, and whether or not it survives the consumation, but it must work on some level.


This is relevant to my interests.

how about a contest with a chosen mane six pony by the judges but any villian the writer likes?:twilightsmile:

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