Falling for the Dark Side 719 members · 438 stories
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With the preview's for the upcoming Power Ponies episode we also have a Super-villain known as: The The Mane-iac!

Let's get a folder for her in this group!

Also, I'd like to let you all know that I've started two small groups: The Elements of Disharmony(somewhat based on this group) & the Power Ponies!

2364767 Okay, two things.



2. Tell me to honestly my avatar's face that she didn't look like an Earth pony Firefly. Go on. Do it. (I know someone will :rainbowlaugh:)

She's a Maaane-iac ! MAAANE-IAC on the floor ! :flutterrage:

Yeah, she has a lot of potentiel, she looks awesome, but I fear that she's just going to be a comic book bad guy cliché (well that's the spirit of the thing right ?) :unsuresweetie:

2366687 2366710 Interesting fact ,she's actually based off Sedusa a from the Powerpuff Girls.

2366738 Oh, I totally knew that :twilightblush:. I was just saying that she did kinda look like Firefly.

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