Trixie is the Greatest Pony 1,109 members · 1,486 stories
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So, today I had an exam about Citizen Kane. Those know know the movies maniac I can be sometimes, specially with my convulsion to reference them, can guess that I was fanboying all over the place. In fact, when I wasn't whispering my take on the movie, I was complaining about a question asking us to modify the movie.

Remember the big fuzz there's each time Lucas changes Star Wars? This is a million times worse.

Anyways, having to read the script and watching the movie again, plus the Bum Reviews and Cinema Sins reviews, sparked some curiosity. Naturally, I started to devour the different interpretations on Citizen Kane when I decided to give a look on the man behind it all. The voice of Unicron itself, mister Frozen Peas and War of the Worlds in person, George Orson Welles.

"The irony of [Welles] playing a planet-sized eating machine wasn't lost on anyone" -Michael McConnohie

My to-go page in this circumstances is TV Tropes. I know, it's not the mos serious or complete (or some times reliable) source for investigations. However, specially on articles like Welles', it's non-formal structure makes the subject closer ot the reader as their 'trope by trope' format really helps to analyze and enjoy those little details. Anyways, I got to read the first paragraph and something hit me.

George Orson Welles (May 6, 1915 – October 10, 1985) was an actor, writer, director, producer, artist, young genius, sometime Stage Magician, and patron saint of Large Hams and Insufferable Genius in popular culture.

That last part, the one about Welles being "sometime Stage Magician, and patron saint of Large Hams".

Now, who do we know has a large ham and her character is centered around the image of a stage magician?

What follows is a journey into the world of magic, mystery... and ponies!

What do you guys think?

So, she likes having delicious green peaness in her mouth?

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