Trixie is the Greatest Pony 1,109 members · 1,486 stories
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Selene Bright
Group Admin

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there was a little unicorn pony named Trixie. Trixie had always dreamed of becoming the greatest magician in all of Equestria, but she was still learning and practicing her skills.

One day, Trixie heard about a magical amulet that could make any pony's dreams come true. She decided to set out on a journey to find the amulet and use its power to become the greatest magician in Equestria.

As Trixie traveled through the enchanted forests and across the vast meadows of Equestria, she encountered many challenges and obstacles. She faced dangerous creatures and tricky puzzles, but she never gave up on her quest.

Finally, Trixie arrived at a dark and mysterious cave where the amulet was said to be hidden. She bravely entered the cave, determined to find the amulet and fulfill her dream.

Inside the cave, Trixie faced her toughest challenge yet. She had to solve a series of complex riddles and use her magical powers to overcome various traps and obstacles.

But Trixie was clever and resourceful, and she used all her knowledge and skills to overcome each challenge one by one. Finally, she found the amulet and put it on.

A loud knocking on her bedroom door snaps her back to reality as she jumps.

“Trixie stop playing, dinners ready!” her mother yells through the door.

Trixie puts her toys away and says “One day I will be the greatest,” and exits her room.

Group Admin


Dang this story is Sad. So young and already obsessed with being the best.

But the gweat and powaful Twixie is far too cute of a title for me to ignore.

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