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I been wanting someone to see if they can make a fim fic (not a one shot or a short story or short chapters) of a massive dragon preferably one of these dragons


Metal Dragon:

black dragon:

earth dragon (also known as a healing or nature dragon)

what about an Armored Wizard Dragon

or Magical dragon

That black dragon is adorable any writers out there do that one.

I had sort of a headcanon of a forest dragon meeting Fluttershy or some kind of remorseful poison or decay creature settling down to wait in a village it accidentally wiped out 4 either help or execution

if i didn't already have so many fics up and stuck i would give it a shot.

Might as well go all the way and make one about the most powerful dragon of the multiverse, that I know of anyway, that is also a powerful wizard and planeswalker, for some reason I picture Twilight endlessly and adorably asking questions while he just ignores her.
Nicholas Bolas:

ya doubt they wouldn't try to use the elments on him

Maybe. I have one fic in the works however, it make take a while, but I was planning on doing one anyways.

yea I've that in my "read later" but idk if i'm gonna read it due to not many chapters

"Metal Dragon"
Man, that's the Shatterer.

huh..... good to know XD

i just got the image from google and it just said it was a metal dragon is all


"Metal Dragon"
Man, that's the Shatterer.

Really? To me, it kinda looks like some depictions of Mag'ladroth, also known as the Void Dragon or simply The Dragon, who is one of the C'tan from Warhammer 40K. Although they changed the purple for green, I suppose it's just the Internet been the Internet since it comes up when I search "Void Dragon" on Google. The funny part is that the wiki says he is made of crystal, not metal so he is a crystal dragon, not a metal dragon. I just had an idea involving a "Crystal Dragon" and the "Crystal Empire"...

Look up Guild Wars, the shatterer. That's its concept art.



i have to agree with random i searched the name up right after i got the reply and the first thing that popped up is guild wars 2

Indeed, that only makes finding the correct source of information even more difficult.

i question your things on "cute" :twilightoops:

funny thing is that for my oc race i made there gods take the form of dragons when they meet with mortals.

Come on look at it it's adorable just like a xenomorph

Don't forget the Tyranids and Zergs.

It's kinda when the creepy and cute start to overlap in one's mind because of the curiosity and time spent looking and researching them. I kinda have a similar opinion of the Zergs and Tyranid, some are cute in a creepy way others are just badass.

Never thought a spider could be cute? Look at this(Don't watch if you have arachnophobia):

If you liked the video you can look at the other videos.
On a side note, I remembered other two dragons to mention here:

That's Great Red also known as the Apocalypse Dragon, the True Red Dragon God Emperor, True Dragon, and the Dragon of Dragons from High School DxD. He is so powerful that he resides in the space between dimensions and derives his power from dreams thought time and space.
Additionally, that girl is also another Dragon God that normally resides in the space between dimension as well, she is Ophis known as the Ouroboros Dragon and the Infinite Dragon God her power from Nothingness.

FUCK NO i'm not watching that vid I've arachnophobia

well no idea if this is from a fandom but i have a pic.

Ugh tyranids are hideous but zerg are cute

SURE share it with us

im sorry but i can't seem to share it to here.

Ok, forget the video, but what about the dragons:

That's Great Red also known as the Apocalypse Dragon, the True Red Dragon God Emperor, True Dragon, and the Dragon of Dragons from High School DxD. He is so powerful that he resides in the space between dimensions and derives his power from dreams thought time and space.
Additionally, that girl is also another Dragon God that normally resides in the space between dimension as well, she is Ophis known as the Ouroboros Dragon and the Infinite Dragon God her power from Nothingness.

It's from a digital online card game called Rage of Bahamut if I'm not mistaken.
Here is more information: https://shadowverse.gamepress.gg/card/trinity-dragon

*pukes rainbows while smiling with stars in my eye*

i love it

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