Unusual Humans in Equestria 2,659 members · 814 stories
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Do you guys think Equestria would hire human mercenaries to replace the Royal Guard? They have the Mirror to the EQG universe, after all... If we assume that place is our Earth, then they technically could. But I personally think it'd be cool if they got mercs from other time periods, like maybe they hire some knights, or hoplites instead of Royal Guards.

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Not replace, but surely they would hire some military advisors at the least to coordinate and get a feel of how humans react to different things. Maybe some groups to train with and be test subjects on how magical flash-bangs and the like affect humans. They in turn would become experts in fighting ponies and would be able to act as liaisons between humans/ponies in the future if there is need for any joint operations. Likely not just Americans either, and would be a polite way to invite in official spies and place some of your own on the other side if it is a trading program.

As for Knights or Medieval mercenaries and the like... i am sure they might have many uses, those people were beasts when it comes to close quarters and likely veterans on it on level which is impossible now days since they would get themselves shot. Likely much to be learned on how they got about it.

Group Admin

A very interesting take for sure. A mutual cooperation program between the two would totally benefit both worlds, given how much we could exploit magic for our own purposes, while the ponies could totally benefit from our technological advances. That's also an interesting idea, how they could test out magic effects on us. Depending on how we react to magic it could absolutely determine how the trade would go.

That's a really good idea! Pretty sure you meant it for the other thread tho. :rainbowwild:

Such program likely would have several divisions, mercenaries, contractors and liaisons would likely concentrate stress testing the body, group dynamics and weaponry. There likely are a lot of testing that simply could not be done by civilians like mental magics and the like, humans would be ALL too keen on learning all the "bad juju" which is insidiously dangerous and to keep humans and their leaders from being paranoid (or being cripples by bad actors) any friendly power might be all too keen to teach them all that is needed. In exchange of humans doing the same relating to the things ponies might be paranoid about.

Other more civil divisions would crop up around other things like weeds i am certain, but as military aspects go their priorities would be to try to alleviate their paranoia and determine capabilities so no one makes any mistakes. Ponies might have the same problem, if their society is build around magics drones, listening devices, sensory devices, radio and all other kind of dark tech might make them jumpy as it breaks the status quo.

Mutual benefit and trade would come after alleviation of mutual paranoia.

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