Unusual Humans in Equestria 2,659 members · 814 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Group Admin

Yo, I'm the Admin dude guy whatever. Imma make a new banner and a new icon for the group to make it pretty. What do you guys think I should do with it? My artsy powers are limited, but if I get creative, I could do a cool thing. OR find a cool thing. I'm not above scavenging for stuff. 😎

What I think would be cool is drawing a banner with different silhouettes of humans with power and ability effects.
Like this.

Group Admin

That's a great idea tbh! I think I just might do something like that! Any ideas for character types I could add? :pinkiegasp:

Well, it would be awesome if you could use my character as one example.
Talion is a waith. You could use my profile picture of him and maybe have his shadow as a wraith version of him. Kind of like the picture I showed.

Use something like this for the front.

And this for the back.

You could do this for other characters as well. Display a unusual human in front and show some of his uniqueness as a shadowy outline.

Thanks for asking. I will be thrilled if you use this idea.

Group Admin

That's a pretty cool idea! I think it might just work. Hopefully my artsy powers can cobble something up that looks nice.

That's good. Just take your time. The last thing people want to see is rushed work. I wish you luck.
And let me know if you put my OC character in the banner. That would be awesome.

I did also have an idea for the Icon. You could also use it for your own profile picture too.
Something like this.

Or like these.

These are just a few suggestions. I'm sure you might find one you like. Have fun and good luck.

Use human hand(s) for banner, they are human superpower!

Group Admin

The almighty wiggly digits! :rainbowdetermined2:

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