Unusual Humans in Equestria 2,659 members · 814 stories
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So this is going to sound a bit strange, but I desperately want to find this story that’s been plaguing my mind for a couple years. I read a story with a very interesting human in it and really want to find it.

That human was a Nazi, and he took over Equestria. No this isn’t a joke, he was an honest to god Nazi. That’s why he’s interesting and that’s why I want to find it again.

I don’t remember much about the story, except for it was a completed story, it was definitely on Fimfiction, it was very well written with no grammar issues, and ended with the princesses being unceremoniously executed as the Nazi had taken over. I really want to find it, so please help me find it again.

It might have been deleted because that doesnt sound like something people would like to exist

I mean, Headless-Rainbow runs amok on this website and no one bats and eye. I think a slightly edgy fic can be allowed on the site.

Also there’s a couple other fics that have Nazis in em that I actually have saved, I have one saved where there’s an SS tank crew that gets stuck in Canterlot and goes on a rampage before being put down by the princesses. I just want to find this one for archive purposes


It’s called “S.S in Equestria” made by dominatusimperator. Just as I remember it too.

Links below if you want to give this thing a read, I’ve already stuck it in my favorites so I won’t lose it again.

Story: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/125903/ss-in-equestria

Author: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/129089/dominatusimperator

i mean, by that metric, nazis winning is downright kosher
(not disagreeing)

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