The Wargamers 54 members · 0 stories
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The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

Hello everyone, and welcome to the first RP in the group (CE approved). This RP serves to start the group up in its intended purpose. For this RP, it's simple; just interact. Take a character, or multiple characters, and just go in and converse. Maybe do some small things.

In a way, it's sort of a warm up for future RPs. Just to get people used to the writing.

What characters you use don't really matter. Heck, you can use characters that will appear in other RPs; I recommend it. Give them a chance to be developed more.

This RP has a likely chance of being nonsensical. Despite being the "Wargamers" group, there will be no conflict. No backstory to open with. Shenanigans likely. Fourth wall breaking also possible (because it's allowed in this one).

With that done, let's get started. This RP is basically free-roam and there are no sections or defined beginnings and endings.

Baltimare, Equestria
6:30 AM

The Coral Reef Corral was a curious place. It was—

"Really, the Corral?"

Would you even let me get started?!

The pegasus rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll even let you finish."

—above all, a restaurant by the waterfront, with a full floor-to-ceiling glass window to boot (and it should be noted that the window was made sure that it was unbreakable). The furnishings were eye-catching and pretty to look at, radiating a homely feel. Sailors liked the place for the simple feeling it gave off, but many others liked eating there as well. It was a good blend between casual and semi-casual.

The establishment in terms of accomdations was similarly simple. Tables and booths were the places of sitting, but for the others that preferred even more simplicity, there was a bar in one corner of the restaurant, with one side adjacent to the scenic view out of the large window previously mentioned. For those with a more exquisite taste, there was always the outdoor seats on a balcony hanging over the edge.

The menu of the Corral was interesting, and possibly why it was such a popular place. There was a conventional menu, covering all courses of the day. The food ranged from simple to high-class, satisfying all tastes. And as one pegasus even takes advantage of—

"I'm getting coffee, and I'm taking a look at the menu, alright?" the grey stallion irritatedly said. "Maybe pancakes. Maybe."

Waiting for another response, there was none. With that slight ordeal finished, he entered the restaurant in the hopes that his morning would get better from that point on. The world was at peace; there was absolutely nothing happening of concern abroad. He knew it for a fact—he was Royal Intelligence, with security clearance second only to the Princesses themselves. Under the direction of Princess Sparkle, they knew absolutely everything that mattered, and what mattered right now was that there was nothing of concern.

So he was allowed the luxury of living a quiet life as he pleased. Much better than being in Canterlot reviewing the latest recon reports or being on a recon mission himself.

The pegasus was led to a table of his own close to the window, allowing a refreshing view of the early morning bustle of seagulls and sea-faring vessels. Somewhere behind him was the bar; there was maybe one or two ponies there, and even they were taking it easy, whether at the guidance of the bartender or their own. Looking around, patrons of the restaurant were trickling in slowly.

Group Admin


Orion walked into the bar, scanning the patrons quickly. Her eyes ran over the grey pegasus at the window more than once, but she wasn't looking for him.

Quite the opposite.

She made a beeline for the bar, maneuvering through the empty tables and approaching a particular stallion.

"Morning Orion. What are you doing here and in that?" He pointed to Orion's dress fatigues and light armor plating.

"Well, officially I'm here to pick you up and bring you back to base. But they never gave me a deadline for it, so I assume that this is another of their 'take a break' orders. And I'm wearing this as SOP dictates for the next twelve hours after a crackdown, Nocturne. You of all ponies should know this." Orion pulled up a chair and joined Nocturne at the bar.

He gestured to a bag under his seat. "It's all in there, as it has been since yesterday night."

The bartender came along, and Orion asked for a drink of equal parts Vodka and Red Bull. "You're lucky that this place allowed you to stay here overnight."

"24 hour service, Orion, that's what makes this place popular for after-stings."

Orion sighed. "You don't blame yourself for what happened yesterday, do you? Who would have expected for those drug dealers to have reinforcements down the road?"

"I should have seen it coming. My negligence in reporting those trucks caused those good men to get injured."

"The sign-up form to the Anti-Narcotic Division clearly stated that injuries may occur in the course of work, Nocturne." Orion sipped her drink. "Besides, it's not like the injuries were life-threatening or anything."

"Makes it all better, doesn't it."

"Some extent, yeah."

The duo sat and drank for a while. Orion kept looking around, in case of any wannabe mobster coming to kill them in revenge, but she kept noticing the grey pegasus by the window. Something was off about him, but she couldn't pin down what.

2644179 (Last post for a while, get Deep in the action during the RP while I'm gone, will you please?)
A dark blue pony with a sextant cutie mark walks into the Corral. He sidles up to the bar and calls out, "Ribbon! Give me a Boilermaker." The bartender, Blue Ribbon, greets him. "Deep, my boy! Back from a patrol, eh?"
"No," Captain Silent Deep responds, "We never left. Damn yard apes didn't pack a shaft bearing right. We got down to fifty feet when it started to leak! Rusty got it to stop long enough to surface, but it kept leaking. Our pumps were almost overwhelmed! Mare Island never does good work."
"Ha! You don't have to tell me twice. Did you hear about Guitarro?"
"No, what happened?" Deep asks, his curiosity piqued.
"From what I've heard," Ribbon says, "Some civilians were calibrating her reactor, so they were adding water to certain tanks, and some other civilian was bringing her to half trim with five tons of water aft! She was riding so low that two foot wakes were sloshing into an open hatch! Sometime, the group not working on the reactor stopped adding water to the ballast tanks and began to stop working for their meal break here. The nuclear group completed the calibrations and began to empty the tanks aft. Soon, both the nuclear group, still aboard, and the other group, returning from their break, noticed Guitarro taking a sudden down angle which put the forward hatches underwater. Massive flooding took place through several large open hatches!"
"Sweet Celestia!" Deep exclaims. "How long did it take to refloat her?"
"From what I heard, three days."
"Damn. That is what you get from subcontracting. Well, I'm gonna get something to eat. It was nice talking to you."
"Same here. Stop back anytime," Ribbon says.
Deep takes his drink and walks over to a booth. As he waits for a waiter to notice him, he looks around, watching the bar's patrons.

Comment posted by The Grey Pegasus deleted Jan 21st, 2014
The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

The grey pegasus continued sitting down, enjoying the moments of the early morning. Of course, sitting down was a good way to fall asleep again this early in the day, so he arced back, his spine popping. He could feel his gun and wallet inside his shirt press up against his chest. He might be on leave, but he was always prepared.

Outside, the sun was not even above the horizon. The restaurant was nice, he thought. It felt private, with so few ponies there, yet not too lonely. The coffee was a nice touch as well. Breakfast could wait; he was never usually hungry at breakfast.

As ponies began coming in, he couldn't help but eavesdrop on little conversations here and there. It was a sort of habit, developed partially from being an operative of the Royal Reconnaissance Regiment, or as others called them, Royal Scouts. The other reason was somewhat of boredom; he liked keeping himself a bit busy, and always liked hearing random new things. Or, of course, channeling the boredom of the auth—

No. Shut up.

The pegasus rolled his eyes. 'Fine.'

Most of the conversation came from the bar. Seems about right, he thought.
The first one the pegasus heard was between a mare and a stallion; evidently from the one that just walked in wearing fatigues. He wasn't able to get a good look at her uniform, so he didn't know what unit she was from. However, that question was answered once the conversation got going. 'Anti-Narcotics Division. Intriguing. No issues abroad, but there's always the small issues at home. Good thing they don't usually assign us to domestic duties...'

The two quieted after a quick discussion about their recent op. Curious to put faces to voices, the pegasus looked back, to be met by a look from the mare. He casually went back to looking at his coffee. As per his regular practice, he mentally noted their names as well, filing away the conversation in his head.
The second one was from a stallion that came in shortly afterwards. He actually knew this stallion from a friend. It was amusing to hear all of the problems that others can come across; sure, Captain Deep's submarine problem was serious and unfortunate, the pegasus admitted to himself, but it was nonetheless interesting to note.

Group Admin


"Nocturne, there may be a spy, seven o'clock low. Time to intervene and investigate." Orion wrote on a napkin, after turning back. The grey Pegasus had been staring at them, way too much for a normal civilian, she was certain of it...

Nocturne gave her a wink an picked up his duffle. As he stood up to leave, Orion turned back to her nearly empty cup. She knew that he would have gone to the restroom to change into his fatigues. Orion dropped some cash on the counter, and left the restaurant.

Walking a bit down the block, she turned into a small alley and began to gallop. By the time she reached the opposite end of the alley, Nocturne was climbing out of the restaurant toilet through a window, dressed in full fatigues.

"Let's go, through the harbor door." Orion suggested. Nocturne nodded, passing a pistol and a stun gun to her, which promptly went to her side harness. Deep inside, Orion suspected the stallion to be innocent, but given their alert level, they couldn't afford to take any chances. Worst come to worst, they'll treat him to a real nice breakfast and skedaddle off.

The duo walked confidently down the boardwalk, looking just like a couple spending their day off, but in fatigues. Thankfully the sun hadn't risen, so they looked likes any old clothing.

The glass door was already open, no doubt to let in a sea breeze. Orion and Nocturne approached the stallion from behind.

"Good morning mister. Can we join you for breakfast?" Orion asked in her sweetest voice, while holding her harness so he could see the glint to the two guns.

(I'm taking this too seriously, but I'm bored as hell.)

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

No, no, it's fine. Screw around. Have fun. Not really any rules. Take it seriously if you want to.

He noticed the two ponies at the bar leave and thought nothing of it. Just another part of the come-and-go of the morning.

That is, until they came back.

"Good morning mister. Can we join you for breakfast?"

The pegasus turned, finding the mare with two holstered weapons. Instinctively, his mind scanned the entire picture, sizing up the situation. His eyes subtly darted around, taking in every detail, especially the two weapons. It sort of ruined his idea of a good morning; any sort of possible threat prompted him to think of a way to react, and by extension, prompt his ARCANE to activate. The ARCANE- Augmented Reality Cognition Assistance Neural Enhancement- was standard to all in his division, and as of right now, it showed everything he thought and observed of the situation.

Truth be told, he wasn't in the mood for seeing anything related to combat data on a peaceful morning, prompting him to subconsciously turn it off, visual overlays disappearing from his vision. Nonetheless, he now knew exactly what he was encountering. Equestrian-issued sidearm and stun gun.

Half a second after the mare asked, he replied calmly. "Sure thing. I'm not expecting anyone." At the worst, all he would have to do is throw the coffee cup, quickly react to pull out his pistol and- 'Dammit, I'm thinking again.'

At the rate things were going, the best case scenario was that nothing happens, and worst thing that could happen was that they would stun gun an intelligence officer. After all, they were probably on a hair-trigger considering recent events. As irritating that would be, it would probably make his day.

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