The New Lunar Republic Ground Forces 179 members · 1 stories
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Night Striker
Group Admin

Please post a Character Description here for members to use. Use my version as a template.

Night Striker
Group Admin

Name:Night Striker
(Mane+Coat combined in a pic)
Cutie mark:
Distinguishing Features:N/a
Occupation:Night Guard
Armor:Standard Guard armor.
Weapons:(THIS BAD BOY)
Multiple Knives
Twin Handguns.
Personality: He's an athletic Batpony (thestral) who is a personal guard to Luna.. He often finds activities during his off duty days often including mares or other guards. Coming from a poor family he lives in an upperclass room in the castle. He favors the Shadowbolts in sports (And wishes to join eventually) but has a crush with the Wonderbolt Spitfire.

Group Admin

Name: Lunar Aegis
Race: Pegasus
Age: ~31

Cutie Mark: Pommel of the blade at the top got cut off.

Distinguishing Features: None
Specialty: Stealth Takedown
Weaknesses: Extremely loyal and hates to see anyone get hurt because of him, unless they're specified as an enemy.
Occupation: Head of LUNA (Lunar Undercover Nullification Agency)
Armor: Dark Indigo Leather Armor
Weapons: Wingblades
History: Too much to put here.
Personality: As said above, he is strongly loyal. He is the Personal Protector of Luna, basically her right-hoof stallion (or he is in my headcanon, anyway). When not on a mission, he is either honing his skills or spending time with his family. Married to Fluttershy and has an adopted daughter. Flew alongside the Wonderbolts once in a show (it wasn't planned, believe me).

Name:PC [stands for purple changeling]
Cutie mark: is a changeling

Distinguishing Features:purple eyes and wings
Weaknesses: weak wings in changeling form pulls pranks
Weapons:able to morph into basically everything
History:left the hive after receiving a brutal beating has recovered
Personality: sweet kind creepy prankster can be brutal in fighting

Name: Lionel Varellian or Lost Solstice

Species: Unicorn

Age: 62

Features: (forgot to include the maroon crescent moon under his left eye)

Cutie Mark:

Distinguishing Features: Along the base of his spine and along his appendages runs ethereal fur of a maroon red that flows like a night sky with the occasional orb of color. Along with the maroon crescent moon underneath his left eye.

Specialty: Is able to turn into an anthropomorphic wolf during the night and a dragon during the day. Both with their ups and downs, dragon form causes too many downfalls so is only used in extreme emergencies. Takes at least 72 hours to recharge ability.

Weaknesses: While turning he is extremely vulnerable to any attacks. In wolf form his hearing is amplified so using whistles and extremely loud noises will incapacitate him momentarily. In dragon form his throat is the weakest point of his body making it an ideal place to attack.

Occupation: N/A

Armor: Woolen Cloak with Insignia of The Pack displayed on the back. (see profile picture)

Weapons: 5 Magic Elemental daggers conjured from a spell he created.

History: His life began on Earth on May 19th, 1957, (current year is 1492 After Faust) his father died when he was 4 causing his first transformation into his wolf form. During his 8th grade year his mother was killed in a car accident and his brother and him were sent to the local orphanage. In his Junior year his brother ran away and soon after so did he. When he was 18 he joined the United States Marine Corps, 28 years later he was running a trade operation for his wife. Intelligence in exchange for Major Jazmine Lynn. The trade was a setup. Soon after they found themselves in Equestria in the middle of a war that was not theirs to fight. Not a year passed when Jazmine was kidnapped and killed by the Equestrian Legion, soon after Luna returned. 5 years passed and the war was in full effect, Lost Solstice created a new life for himself with The Pack. Almost 2 years later Lionel died due to unforeseen events and was resurrected 7 years later by Faust. After another 7 years he reunited with his family. The rest of his history is to yet of been written.

Personality: Lost Solstice is loyal, honest, devoted, hardworking, and a natural born leader. He is easy to anger and does not let go of grudges easily. Especially if the creature in question had been lying to him for an exceptional amount of time. Unforgiving and unrelenting, if you get on his bad side it is best you stay clear of him. Intelligent and quick-witted able to figure out most any situation in the blink of an eye. Extremely protective of loved ones and friends, if he sees you hurting someone close to him it will be the last you ever see. Is kind and friendly unless provoked. Can be rude when you first meet him but will warm up to you eventually if you stay around long enough. He finds solace in reading and writing. Spends almost all his free time either in the Grand Library of the Castle of Faust in the Badlands or in its makeshift training grounds improving or creating new spells to replace old ones. Despite his now old age he keeps fighting for a better future for not only Equestria, but for all of Equus.

Name: Lunarus Solaris Nexus (prefers Lunar or Nexus. Only two people can call him Lunarus)
(Picture unable to be posted. But it's my profile image.)

Race: Unicorn (but has mechanical Wings)

Age: 20

Cutie Mark: NLR Metal of Honor

Distinguishing Features: metal legs and wings.

Speciality: Dark Magic, CQC(art of the shadows) and night time combat strategy from the Evening Armada

Weaknesses: Is prone to forgetting his purpose and lashing at other ponies, even his own mother, Luna or his fiance.

Occupation: Luna's Personal Guard/student in dark magic. (nothing more) And Colonel of The NLRAF

Armor: Armor plating on chest, legs and back and standard guard armor

Weapons: Lightning Claws(electrified hidden blades) two four shot repeating pistols hidden in legs and a Griffon revolving rifle. Magical: Spark of Honor(lightning bolt) and Shadow Thoughts(makes you see your worst fear)

History: Has lived in Canterlot his entire life, was possessed by Sombra for a short time before the Royal
Wedding. From a long line of soldiers going back to Luna's original military and is the bearer of The Element of Honor and is the leader of The Elements of Freedom.

Personality: When on duty, he is serious and unwavering to anypony. Is loyal and honest to a fault and often times blunt. But off duty he's loose and enjoys multiple activities. He's not partial to drinking heavily but can tolerate a mango flavored beer and loves sports. His family comes first, always. Even his extended family of friends including Princess Luna. He lives just beneath Princess Luna's room in the Tower of Night. He is living his dream and is currently engaged to be married to Dust Storm, a maid that works in the castle.

Group Admin

(Which name would you prefer?)

2658080 Preference is Lost Solstice as the life I lead as Lionel tis but a distant memory.

Name: Burnished Winds
Species: Pegasus
Age: ~28
Physical Description: A lean, short pegasus, she makes up for it with her agility as well as her great physical status. She has a burnished bronze mane with silvery streaks running through it. She has a coat of golden tan with little tufts of white on her stomach.
Cutie Mark: A dark figure in a cloud of grey fog
Distinguishing Features: A scar running diagonally across her chest, visibly pale in comparison to the rest of her fur.
Specialty: She excels in accuracy and supporting larger operations. She can operate as a JTAC when needed to.
Weaknesses: CQC (Close Quarters Combat)
Occupation: Former Designated Marksmare for the Equestrian Reserve guard, currently employed as a contractor for the New Lunar Republic.
Armor: She wears a light plate carrier with attached carbon shin guards. Painted on is a Multicam pattern so that she can operate in almost any environment. She wears a multicam ECH FAST helmet as well as a standard ranger green uniform.
Weapons: Mark 11 Mod 2 SOPMOD Rifle, FN-Five SeveN, standard bayonet, mini frags. Her load-out can be switched for a compact bullpup Hk G3 Marksman Rifle.
History: N/A
Personality: She can described as a quite pony, quite fitting of her nature as a long range lone wolf. Not much else to say about her without interacting directly.

Bullpup Marksman Rifle:

Name:Mind Blaze
Species: Unicorn
Age: 20
Physical Description;
Distinguishing Features:
C.M.: A thought bubble wrapped in green chains
Specialty: mind control
Weaknesses: Unpredictability
Occupation: Military Hypnotherapist
Armor: light ballistics armor
Weapons: Carbine
History: N/A
Personality: N/A

Name: Markus Flavius Aqulius

Species: pegasi

Age: 19

CM: RAF regiment 63 squadron eagle

Speciality: HALO drops and medium to long range combat

Weakness: Close and long range combat and often gets tunnel vision

Occupation: Airborne infantry

Armor: Osprey Mk7 MOLLE body armor with interceptor inserts and a Mk7 British armed force helmet

Weapons: HK 416 w/ foregrip PEQ-15 and specter 4x night vision capable sight. Glock 17C

History: (N/A for the moment)

Personality: Jokey but fiercely determined and all ways looks out for his mates

Given Name: Bithore the Fire-breather
True Name: Tidal Crimson

Species: Dragon
Sub-Species: Elemental Dragon

Gender: Male

Age: 317


Distinguishing Features: Black Striped Scales

Cutie Mark: N/A

Specialty: Can control all fire that is not magically created, while his own flames can be used to preform a bit of fire magic. Is also trained in the art of the Draconic Twin Sword style and able to destroy solid stone with a simple swing of his Forge Hammer.

Weaknesses: Can not control magically created fire and water can weaken his fire magic greatly.

Occupation: Master Draconic Blacksmith

Armor: He can forge some Draconic Steel armor for himself, but his normal Armor is just Dragon scales.

Weapon/s: The only weapon he wields that is not a part of him is his Draconic Forge Hammer.

History: As a Elemental Dragon, he was forbidden to leave the Draconic Empire. Elemental's are the fewest in numbers for they barely live a 2000 years. Breaking the law, he set out to see the world in hopes of finding something worth living for.

Personality: Very easy going dragon, but he does not yet Dragon Pride stand in the way of reaching a goal. If you get in his way, you better have a good reason or he will fight you. He is what you could call a worry wort, as he always thinks of the worse possible outcomes.

Personal Items: Family Necklace, and pet Alicanto. [pic]

Name: Black Knight.
Race: Pony Unicorn
Age: 19
Cutie mark: A Chess Knight.
Distinguishing features: A curious scar resembling to a moon in his neck.
Specialty: Good at mental challenges. Good at improvising strategies and tactics in combat. Good with a Sniper weapon.
Weaknesses: He cares a lot for other ponies but him. Many times, he risks his own life for other's well-being.
Occupation: Captain and CO (Commander Officer) on recognition missions.
Armor: A Kevlar jacket.
Weapons: Standard Sniper Rifle
Tactical Knife
Direct combat tactics.
History: A pony whose military career started at his young 16 years. Many of those who knew him said that he seemed to have no future, due to his interest with strategy games (such as Chess)
When foal, he discovered the Chess and his ability with strategies and logic. It was then that he found his special talent. That's the why he has a Chess Knight as his cutie mark.
Over time, he became better and better at these games. Then, he got into chess contests, just to test his abilities. It was in one of these contests that he met princess Luna.
Luna asked him if he wanted to become a soldier. A tactician, as she called it. Without a single doubt, he got in.
His talent didn't went unnoticed in the Lunar Guard. The superiors saw his talent and got him into a special training program. In a few months, he was a respected soldier among the Lunar Guard.
But then, the war exploded. It was then that his talents were really used. "For good", they said.
Now, he fights only for the ones he really cares about.
Personality: Kind. Silent. He's a lonely pony who only speaks when he needs to. Intelligent and brave, he uses his talent as a tactician to analyze the many situations he gets in. But, sometimes, he shows some slights attempts of kindness, be it giving a gift or praising others for their labors. Friendly and open with his closest friends, but cold and closed with the newcomers.
Personal Items: A collar with photos of his loved ones.

Name: Metal Storm
Race: Pegasus
Appearance: Sliverish coat with a black buzz man
Cutie Mark: Eagle Symbol
Specialty: Excellent in stealth and asymmetric warfare.
Distinguishing features: a strange phoenix tattoo on his chest
Weaknesses: Even though he is a Pegasus, he can't fly due to a birth defect.
Occupation: Special Forces paratrooper
Armor: Multicam
Weapons: M4A1 assault rifle. A custom Colt M1911 pistol and a Seal Elite knife.
History: Born into a pro-republican village to an Earth pony mother and a Pegasus father, his parents were arrested by the SE secret police due to his father's connections with various anti-Celestia organizations. Orphaned, he was raised by a former SE soldier who took him and his little sister in and raised them as his own. When he was old enough, he sighed up for the NLR Army and spend his time training for his past.
Personality: Very no nonsense and he takes his line of work very seriously. He is very intelligent and always focuses and plans ahead.

Name: Aegis

Race: Earth pony

Age: 24

Appearance: Gunmetal grey fur with olive mane and gold eyes

Cutie Mark: A worn EOD helmet with a broken visor in front of a battered shield

Distinguishing Features: Scar over left eye trailing from hairline to jawline, as well as years-old burn scars scattered across his body, long since covered by thin patches of fur.

Specialty: Explosive ordinance disposal and tanking damage.

Weaknesses: Vision in left eye is impaired, but not gone.

Occupation: EOD and Support Gunner

Armor: Full body EOD suit with ceramic layered steel plating

Weapons: M249 SAW, SIG P226, Standardized Combat Knife

History: Aegis was born an Earth pony in Canterlot to unicorn nobles. Seeing how their son was not a unicorn, and thus, was left out in the rain alongside the rats and refuse in an alleyway in the slums, whereupon he was found and taken in by a changeling, who also happened to be a Lunar loyalist. This changeling brought Aegis to an abandoned orphanage in order to raise him as his own child, despite the racial difference. Nine years later, Aegis and his surrogate father were arrested for treason and espionage by the Solar Empire on their way out of Manehattan. They were both placed into prison and were soon liberated when NLR forces assaulted the prison to retrieve a high-ranking Republican officer.

Seeing the Lunar troopers in action made Aegis want to join their ranks, yet he was not old enough. So, he trained long and hard, and even experimented with low-level explosive materials. This is where he earned his cutie mark, as an accidental mix of certain ingredients created a powerful IED. The solution was unstable, however, and nearly killed his changeling father when he knocked it over. Seeing the accident about to occur, Aegis placed himself between the IED and his father, taking the blast instead, whereupon a large splinter from the steel table inflicted a large wound on Aegis' left eye, permanently hampering his vision in that eye. Four years after the incident, Aegis joined the NLRGF at age 19.

Personality: Aegis is a very loyal soldier, and won't leave another trooper behind without a good enough reason to. He will always try to make jokes, even at his own expense. Aegis is constantly optimistic, even in the face of death, and almost always gives his opinion on something if it warrants his saying. He rarely disobeys a direct order or ignores a plea for help, if ever. Aegis is very frugal, and hates to see something go to waste, due to growing up in poverty within the Solar Empire.

Name: Stellar Song.
Race: Unicorn.
Age: 19.
Appearance [Didn't have a pic, am lazy]: Has a (very) dark blue coat and (again, very) dark purple and (once more, very) dark red hair that's quite wavy and done up in a plait, piercing emerald eyes and quite a small mare.
Cutie mark [Again, didn't have a pic, am lazy]: A star with written music crossing in front of it.
Distinguishing Features: None.
Speciality: Night Stealth.
Weaknesses: During the day, her magic is weaker.
Occupation: Infiltrator.
Armour: Usually wears a brown leather saddle and a belt where she keeps her dagger in a sheath.
Weapons: Magic, and Scindo, an iron dagger which she sharpens often.

History: She was born pretty average, and spent most of her time awake at night, just staring, thinking, and this she could do for hours on end.
Personality: Quite quiet, doesn't like it when ponies talk about her gender or age saying that she shouldn't be in The New Lunar Republic, she believes in what she is fighting for, she is daring, likes to prove herself If needed, quick thinker, sometimes day/night dreams.


(Hai hothead eye <3 u)

Name: Stibbar Htiwllik
Race: Unicorn.
Age: 22.
Cutie mark: A black coin.
Distinguishing Features: Mane grown short on the front, but long on the back.
Speciality: N/A
Weaknesses: Taking a knife to the body, or anything else that might kill him.
Occupation: Average, run out of the mill militiaman.
Armor: None.
Weapons: A bolt action carbine with a bayonet.
History: Born in a large, bustling town, his family moved to a small village outside of a large city by the sea. He joined the militia after his career as a lawyer failed, and his hopes to become a poet and novelist were met with little success. Been in the militia ever since.
Personality: Polite, reserved, cynical regarding large groups or governments, but very trusting of individuals. Has a tendency to kill a joke with his mumbling and overly analytic personality.

Wait, I just noticed.

Is he supposed to have those black/navy blue streaks or is it red/navy blue streaks like described in Ever Vigilant and Operation: Falling Leaf?

WARNING: Do not attempt to read the following text if you do not want a spoiler for my next story, or if you are Hothead112.

It's 'cause I was just thinking about mentioning (and by mention I mean somethhing like this: there stood a dark grey pegasus with a crimson mane covered in navy blue streaks giving out orders: then move on.) your OC Lunar Aegis in a story prologue for my newest story.

So, yeah, which one?

Group Admin

Black and Navy Blue. I changed it after Operation: Falling Leaf, so I'll have to go back and fix that.
Also, you know you can just put the word spoiler in brackets, write the spoiler, and then add /spoiler at the end, right? For example: Hi.[\spoiler] (Only the \ is supposed to be a /.)

Well, I still needed that warning sign there, in case you attempted some copy/pasta or just whatever you do to read it.

Lol. Well, I guess now I know how to highlight text in dark grey. I thought you just highlighted and I wasn't getting that button 'cause I'm on mah iPad.

Group Admin

This conversation actually reminded me that I forgot to post the next chapter of Together We Fly and I didn't finish Storm's chapter. I suppose next Friday will have to be a triple post. All that we have of Storm is going to go up, and so is Together We Fly's update.

As a side note, I just realized that all of these spoiler bars are probably getting annoying for anyone following our conversation. :rainbowlaugh:

Well, sorry but I don't know anything about that meeting so there's nothin' I can do and I don't have the link to Together We Fly, so, yeah.

Well, ta dah! I've stopped.

Group Admin

Whoa, you forgot the spoiler bar over the "meeting" part! Nah, I'm just joking, it's not a very important part of the chapter, it's just a means to an end. :rainbowlaugh:

EDIT: I actually suddenly got hit with inspiration, so I'm going to at least jot down my ideas.

SECOND EDIT (SPOILERS OF THE NEAR FUTURE): I'm going to start an RP thread when yours is finished. Just letting you know so that you can join, because it's important to me that our characters get to know each other better. Not just yours and mine, but everyone's.

Sorry I didn't reply earlier! I was busy managing to jot down just 153 words... In 38 minutes!

I must have the terrible 'thing-that-must-not-be-named-otherwise-we'll-all-get-it' that is actually called Writer's Block! :pinkiegasp:


I'll try to finish it as soon as possible! I wonder what will happen in this 'currently-classified-thing-that-I-won't-even-say-the-name-of-in-a-spoiler' in which we will *** ** **** ********* ******!

Group Admin

Heh. Welcome to my world. :rainbowlaugh:

Name: Nightshade
Race: Pegasus
Age: 20
(Sorry, no pic, but imagine a TARDIS-blue coat and silver mane)
Cutie mark: Saber crossed with a wrench below a crescent moon, like a coat of arms
Distinguishing Features: N/a
Speciality: Engineering, particularly weapons design and fieldcraft.
Weaknesses: Adamantly believes he does his best work alone, meaning he only works with others if he sees a clear tactical advantage in it. When he has made a decision, only the strongest of logical arguments will convince him to change course. Prone to risk-taking. After an unfortunate series of events involving Comm. Nexus, he has also become distrustful and suspicious, except for his friend and C.O. from LUNA, Col. Aegis.
Occupation: Field Operative and Combat Engineer, LUNA (Lunar Undercover Nullification Agency). Currently on loan to NLRAF as part of an officer exchange program.
Armor: Kevlar tactical vest
Weapons: B32R burst-fire machine pistol (sidearm)
Twin MP7 submachine guns
Crossbow, with a variety of "trick" bolts
Swiss Army Knife
History: In the making...
Personality: Intelligent, sharp-witted and possessing a strong sense of honor, Nightshade found a passion for building weapons that he could only satisfy in the armed forces. In his workshop or in the war room, he always has a new idea, more often than not an unconventional one. But in the field, Nightshade is confident to the point of cockiness and something of an adrenaline junkie. He loves nothing more than facing down a challenge, except the pride of success. He also has a reputation for fieldcraft, making useful devices and even weapons from whatever he has at hoof.

Um... You might want to change your avatar. It's February.

Group Admin

Eh. I'll change it when I find a better one.

Name: Torchlight

Race: Pegasi

Age: 23
( No picture sorry, but he has a paper white coat, with a red and orange mane, that looks like Lightning Dust's mane)

Cutie mark: a Flame, with Two rifles crossing behind it.

Distinguishing Features: His glare in his eye when he stares down an enemy.

Speciality: Medium to Long range combat, Stealth

Weaknesses: n/a

Occupation: Lunar Republic Marksman, NRLD Team ( New Lunar Republic Dog Team)

Armor: a dark hood to cover face, with a dark blue KEVLAR bullet vest for stealth missions. a normal royal guards outfit for NRLDT missions (New Luna Republic Dog Team)


(Ajax, Torchlights K-9 or MWD)

History: n/a

Personality: Fun, Silly, Loyal, Caring, and Outgoing. But when on a mission, Torchlight is Tatical, Sharp-witted, Loyal, and Dangerous. Lay a gun in his hands and tell him to fight, he will. He is very cunning, he could slip his way out of any situation.
never really had a thing for mares, but a mare in the Wonderbolt's named Fleetfoot always caught his eye.

Name: Nightwind
Age: 21
Race: Pegasus
Mane: black with dark blue streak up middle
Coat: black
Cutie mark: Poison joke
Distinguishing feature: Steel helmet, purple scarf
Specialty: Poisons, melee combat, medium range combat, artic warfare
Weakness: own anger
Occupation: NLR poison infantry
Armor: Standard NLR, and steel helmet
Weapons: M16, scythe
History: ex-solar empire infantry , parents executed publicly for treason in front of him,
Personality: Quiet, angry, holds a grudge, NLR is family to him

Name: Nova
Race: Unicorn

Age: 21
Cutie mark:

Distinguishing Features: perfect night vision
Speciality: assassination
Weaknesses: Sunlight almost blinds him, and flash-bang grenades have usually blind him for about ten minutes.
Armor: NLR Assassin Armor
Weapons: This,

And this,

And this.

History: His entire battalion--except for one other soldier--was wiped out in a horrific battle, even the soldiers of the Solar Empire who captured him afterward couldn't believe what had just happened. After being held prisoner for five months, he escaped. When he reached the prison gates he found his one surviving ally there, waiting for him. When they returned to the NLR, they were offered a chance to join a special operations unit. They both accepted the offer.
Personality: He is smart, almost fearless, and slightly antisocial.

Name: Sonic Boom
Race: Pegasus
Appearance: Dark Brown mane w/ lighter brown coat

Age: 15
Cutie mark: Crossbow w/ lightning bolt arrow

Distinguishing Features: bionic arm & metal ridge along spine
Speciality: long range attacks & explosives
Weaknesses: PTSD
Occupation: N/A
Armor: Kevlar w/metal chest plate
Weapons: Army crossbow & twin daggers

And this.

History: Her family was killed in a raid and she was taken to a goverment lab & experimented on. She escaped and has been with the new lunar republic ever since.

Name: Gear Train
Race: Pegasus
Appearance: Dark Yellow Coat, Dark purple-red mane
Age: 23
Cutie mark: Bolt being held by a wrench
Distinguishing features: scars where his wings should be
Specialty: Gimmicks (like smoke bombs, fire mines, spike launchers, etc.) and tools
Weakness: cant fly and has no earth pony strength and easy to get mad
Armor: retractable body shield
Weapons: hoof mounted spike launcher + any gimmicks he decided to bring
Occupation: Mechanical engineer for the train station in Canterlot
History: raised in poverty with 5 siblings. lost youngest sister to drunk guards. swore to get revenge. in a battle, he lost his right wing and was captured. he cut off the other one to help himself balance. He was broken out after two weeks of interrogation.
Personality: vengeful, blindly devoted

Name: Green Sprout
Race: Earth
Age: 16 (claims 18)
Coat: Dark Brown
Mane: Dark Green
Cutie Mark: A small sprout coming out of the ground
Distinguishing Features: Missing the tip of his left ear.
Speciality: Wooded Combat. Hiding until he can engage in close combat.
Weaknesses: Weak because of his size and age.
Occupation: Officer's assistant.
Armor: Light armor, designed to allow full range of motion.
Weapons: Colt .45
History: Raised on a farm in the middle of nowhere, his family provided food to anyone who would pay. The Solar Guard came and laid waste to farm, taking all of the food for the war effort. When his father tried to resist they killed him and punched Sprout as he tried to run up and save his father. This injury is the one that took the tip of his ear. Two years later he joined the Ground Forces to protect his family who had fled to NLR controlled lands after the incident.
Personality: Has few friends, but will give his life for them as if they were his family.

Name: SwordTune
Race: Unicorn
Age: 18-21 (various sources)
Coat: Light Brown
Mane: Black
Distinguishing Features: Wears sword sheath along back.
Cutie Mark: Sabre crossing over a sixteenth note
Specialty: Close Quarters Combat, Special Weapons Expert
Weakness: Bullets, disease, general mortality
Current Occupation: NLR Ground Forces Research Division
Previous Occupation: Royal Intelligence Agency Agent, Canterlot Night Guard, Manehattan Theif, Ponyville Hospital Intern

History: I was never one of the ponies who stood out. Sure, a bit smarter and more capable than some others, but nothing too spectacular. Lost my job at the Ponyville Hospital after a blood transfusion accident was blamed on me. So I left, wandered Equestria for quite some time. Didn't do much others hadn't done before. Some bank robberies and art heists in Manehattan I covered my tracks and got a new ID and found work at Canterlot as a Night Guard. Turns out I was pretty good at it and got a job with the RIA. Again, just another agent. They needed intel, I got them intel. They wanted a threat gone, I made it gone. Special? No. Just doing my duty. I was transferred over to the NLR when conflict started heating up. My interest in special weapons, specifically edged, gave me a good spot among the rest of the crowd.

Name: Lunar Glow.
Race: Unicorn.
Age: (depends on what he's in, but for this I can change it.)
Appearance: [Cant put photo, but white coat with dark-ish blue mane. Will put photo soon.]
Mark: [Cant put photo, but is a yellow crescent moon arcing over a green eye that looks like Nightmare Moon's. Will put photo soon.]
Special Features: Black square-rimmed glasses.
Speciality: Tactician and magic assault.
Weaknesses: Extremely loud sounds and extremely bright lights.
Occupation: Librarian and part-time magic professor.
Armor: Magesteel chestplate and boots, but also uses shield spells.
Weapons: A diverse range of spells, various potions, energenic swords, and an enchanted katana.
History: Lunar Glow grew up in Canterlot, but not as a snobby noble. His family was upper-middle class and was happy the way they were. He studied briefly at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, but dropped out to study under the small-known Moon Academy. Nothing tragic happened, he became a librarian before the war.
Personality: A kind soul, who likes to read and tweak spells. He dreams of meeting the three legends his name was based upon, as they matched in times of day, and kind of shine. Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and Starlight Glimmer.

Name: Steel Rhythm.
Race: Unicorn.
Age: 23.
Appearance: Gray coat, red mane with green highlights. (Don't have any usable pics anywhere.)
Cutie Mark:

Distinguishing feature: Black glasses.
Specialties: Keeps a level head under pressure, can multitask well, good at strategizing.
Weaknesses: Lacks any-and-all social skills.
Occupation: Night Guard.
Armor: Standard Night Guard armor.
Weapons: Mainly telekineses, death-lasers, and does this count?

History: Grew up in Fillydelphia as an only child, lived with his mother while his father traveled around as the owner of a medicine store called Grandma's Medicine Cabinet. He has always been fascinated with the world of music, particularly Christian Rock. His mother got him into piano lessons at an early age. And he earned his cutie mark four years after the rest of his classmates. Shortly thereafter, his family moved to Manehattan because of his father’s job. They have lived there ever since.

Personality: Considered an emo/ goth by others, but is actually neither one, he is just somewhat shy around people he doesn't really know. Sometimes forgets to considers others while making decisions.

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