Fanfiction Audio Readings 335 members · 807 stories
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(Picture by @UrbanQhoul)

"When ponies go missing after Nightmare Night, and a group of shady investigators show up and practically take over Ponyville, Rainbow Dash considers herself lucky. But then strange things begin to happen to her anyway. Why does she feel so sick all of a sudden? Who is this mare speaking to her in her mind? Why do bright lights hurt so much?"

Rainbow in the Dark is a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfic currently being written by yours truly. Set a few years after the end of the series (but before the 'future' parts of the final episode), Rainbow Dash decides to pay her friends in Ponyville a visit around Nightmare Night. Her attempts to reclaim her youth might be a bit more successful than she bargained for, however, as she is afflicted with a dark and ancient curse. But she isn't about to let something like 'being a creature of the night' or 'thirsting for blood' stop her from having a good time.

I am currently looking for assistance with production of a dramatic reading of the aforementioned fic. Primarily, I am looking for voice actors who can help with characters both new and familiar to fans of the show. The story itself is a work in progress, but I am trying for at least a monthly update (the rest of the story is already planned out, I just need to find time to continue writing).

The story itself can be a little hard to categorize, but I will give it my best shot. Spoilers, its a vampire story, but its not quite that simple. Between absurd circumstances and an eccentric narrator, I am aiming for something more of a dark comedy with horror and drama elements rather than a straight horror story.

All roles to be filled can be found on Casting Call Club, linked above.

Line recording can be done at one's own pace and in one's own time. Most communication will be handled over Discord. I myself can be reached there at Raeligath (Arc)#3112.

Let me know if this is not appropriate for this group and I will gladly take the thread down.

Thank you for taking the time to read over this. Please feel free to message me if you have any questions <3

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