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Nice to see the first reviews popping up here after so long. Let's add another one, shall we?
Grade + Rating on the down below, and link to the fic is in the title. Read it, see if you agree/disagree with me! (It's only a few thousand words, give it a gander.)

Dazzling Illusion by ChudoJogurt

First Impressions

Adagio Dazzle is everything Trixie ever wanted to be. Confident. Commanding. Drop-dead gorgeous. Magical.

From the moment Trixie felt the tug of Siren's power and saw Adagio she felt deep in her heart that something was missing in her life.

And the only way to get it is to win the Battle of the Bands.

Tags: Sex, Romance and EqGirls. Not something I'm particularly versed in with fics, but I can see from the synopsis, tags and covert art that they all appear to be applicable to the fic.

I would say that I was a bit surprised that the fic was so comparatively short for it's subject matter. Romance between two characters who aren't canonically in love seems like it would take a little longer to develop... but maybe we're walking in to an already-flourishing romance between the two, and the fic describes a particular scene they'd thought up for it? Something like that could fit.


The story revolves around Trixie's impassioned lust for one Rockstar Adajio, who really appears to be used as the goal for the story; Trixie wants Adagio to love her back, despite them seeming to ever really know each other before. In fact, Neither of them seemed to know each other's names before the story took place.

That contradicts what I said under the 'first impression' subtitle, which isn't inherently bad, but it does bring up a flaw that the story seems to continue to bring up; it's very fast paced, and leaves some context to the wind as a consequence. For instance, we don't really know why Trixie loves her. It's just assumed at the start of the story that, well, of course she does. Did you hear her voice?

This confirms the pace pretty easily to the reader. There is a beautiful lady singing, now there is a goal for the protagonist. And very soon after, there is a dilemma: 'You've got to impress me, honey'.

Now, this all sounds like I'm not enjoying it, but despite the lack of explanation, I kind of did. How will Trixie manage to overcome the obstacle? What will she do?

Now, there continues to be this quite quick pacing issue as the story progresses through the dilemma. It very much feels like the author had an idea, and wanted to pursue the quickest route to it. For instance, she doesn't decide to use her pretty keen magic tricks to impress adagio, for.... 'no reason explained, let's move on to becoming a rockstar ourselves!' The ending has a bit of a twist, which I found interesting.... but the resolution again feels very rushed, and sort of just breaks what I would assume to be the rules of the concert they were participating in altogether.

As through the story, there's also this weird obsession with blood, which seemed almost fetishized. I have no idea where this came from other than the author's mind, unless if I'm missing something seriously important here (turns out... she's actually a vampire! O.o)


Now, y'know when I was talking about extremely fast pacing...?

It feels like the author could have done better on this front, too. It wasn't anything horrendously wrong, it was just a lot of very easily-seen errors constantly happening. Missing punctuation, mostly. This feels like an issue that the author could have fixed if they read through their own work, and as such I don't really feel like there's much justification for it (the fic's been out for months).


It becomes very evident throughout the fic that the author had an idea they thought was really cool, and they bull-rushed it onto the screen and published it.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. For one, it is coherent, and I did enjoy it to an extent. Buuut....
Point A to Point B is not a very good romance. It feels like the author could have plotted this out a bit more, and if they made it a few chapters/thousand words longer, we could have seen something really interesting come out of that twist, some really interesting reason that Trixie loves her, some reason why you couldn't just use magic you silly little-

You get the picture.

Grade: 60/100

The grammar doesn't make the fic unenjoyable, and neither does the more lacklustre parts of it, but if they were improved this could be a deal better.

Thanks for submitting to the Blunt Reviews Group, ChudoJogurt! If you have any queries/opinions on the fic, feel free to post them here. If you have any comments on how to make these reviews better, feel free to PM me, or leave them down below as well. Merry Christmas!

Group Contributor

Thanks for the review!
Though, I wanted to really imply that Trixie did not just fall in love with Adagio, but rather that it was a reaction to siren spell, at least initially.

Also - I don't think Adagio is the type to be impressed by magic tricks.

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