Among the Infected (Resident Evil Group) 233 members · 27 stories
Comments ( 24 )
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And it's mostly because of reasons a lot of people are looking forward to it.

Seriously, why are you people looking forward to it? Although I love both, I greatly prefer action games over survival horrors, and I like QTEs a lot. I truly don't understand what's to like in RE7.

5423167 Its because RE started out as a survival horror with action elements, rather than just an action game with people punching boulders. Its actually scary. I like both survival horror and action games

5423167 I know brah. Why the hell should I have to look for ammo and herbs. Just let me regen call of duty style.

5423167 You're entitled to like whatever kind of games suit your fancy, but RE7 is shaping up to be a return to the series's roots - and, therefore, to the things that made it popular in the first place.


Can you direct me to the part where I complained about the herb and ammo functions?
5423330 But the main issue I have here is that, after playing a couple of old Resident Evil games, and seeing a few Let's Plays of others, I honestly think that the original Resident Evil games were never all that scary to begin with. Seriously, Condemned: Criminal Origins was scarier. Way scarier.

Don't get me wrong, I love love LOVE survival horror games. Both Amnesia: TDD and AMFP were awesome. I especially love it when a shooter incorporates survival horror elements, such as Metro: Last Light—fucking fantastic game. And ever since I got it, I have been completely, 100% addicted to Dead By Daylight. But I can't appreciate Resident Evil as a survival horror genre when it was never scary enough to be called a horror series at all.

So, I still don't understand what's so good about RE7 going back to its roots when the roots are boring and weak.

5423405 That, and the fact that I never really felt in danger. Everything about it just didn't work. What was supposed to feel like tension and creepiness just felt like boredom, I never really worried about dying since not only were enemies pretty much nonexistent, but I never had an issue with ammo, and when there were jump scares, like the infamous "zombie in the closet", well... I got better scares out of Slender and FNAF.

5423417 Yeah. The enemies weren't scary and they were easily dispatched, either through extermination or evasion. It's sort of like F.E.A.R. in which it has great potential horror-wise, but in the end, you just have too much firepower to really feel all that defenseless, and by extension, scared. Example: Dead By Daylight is a great survival horror game because when you're a survivor, you have no means of fighting the killer. You're completely defenseless against him, and the only way to defend yourself from him is to hide from him and run away from him, which can be very hard to do. You're constantly pressured not only to fix the generators and get yourself out of there, but also to keep a wary eye out for the killer, ensues if you don't, you're setting yourself up for failure.

With old RE games, it doesn't have that aspect that makes survival horrors scary. The enemies are just too easily dealt with for you to feel any sense of fear of being unable to fight, tension of dealing with the next enemy, or even so much as frustration fro, the game being hard.


I greatly prefer action games over survival horrors, and I like QTEs a lot. I truly don't understand what's to like in RE7

5423444 No, it's my preferences as to what games I like and what I like about the more recent titles. It's why RE6 is my Faovorite game in the series.

See, unorthodox=/=bait, sweetie.

Group Admin

5423167 personally, RE7 has me scared for 2 reasons.

1.Resident Evil never succeeded in the First person prespective. Granted, the original gameplay style was a ripoff of Alone in the Dark, but right now RE7 looks like its trying way too hard to copy Dying Light/Outlast and trying to steal the market hype of the sinking ship formerly known as Silent Hills.

2. Why the fuck are there ghosts? Seriously, I like RE because its science fiction, not paranormal horror, how the fuck are they going to tie in ghosts to the rest of the story?

5423494 Fun fact: Resident Evil was originally going to be first person, until Mikami played Alone in the Dark that is.

Group Admin

5423510 could i have a source on that, plz.

Group Admin

5423524 ok thanks. I've learned with this community that it pays to be able to back things up that sound fishy.


why are you people looking forward to it?

Because it would be a nice change from all those action games with QTE who've been released lately.:moustache:

5423986 You mean the good games?


You mean the good games?

5424278 Nah fam. Considering my OP, I'd say Diamond's reply is the bait.

Which means I fell for it. Shit.

Group Admin

Being that I'm weary about RE7, I am having a hard time seeing why everyone is calling this bait.


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