Among the Infected (Resident Evil Group) 233 members · 27 stories
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I was doing a livestream of RE0 on my Xbox 1, and while I was playing, I was sort of talking to myself about Billy at the point where he rescues Rebecca from the Pit and I came across something that I have never noticed before and is actually ingenious on the account of Capcom.

Billy lied about being wrongly accused for his mission in Africa.

Here is the cutscene, I suggest you watch it:

So let's reflect on a few important pieces of information to this:

Billy was Institutionalized

Billy is a US Marine.

Billy was a second Lieutenant

His unit was dropped into Africa to perform a special mission.

4 soldiers plus him made it to the village

"Command" ordered the execution of the villagers.

Billy's eyecolor is Blue.

After the story, he immediately changes the subject.

My idea:

So when I started thinking about this, I started off by saying "Most people don't properly know how military ranks work, it really doesn't make sense why Billy would be an officer. " I said this in the type of "Call of Duty" train of thought that there are people who think that you increase your rank by performing well or with things like successful missions or kills rather than the reality of it being a hierarchy of authority and commission, so Capcom being a Japanese company, probably wouldn't have the greatest understanding of how this works...

But then I had a thought, It actually DOES make sense that Billy would be in the field on the mission because there is a chance that HE would be the one who was in charge of the unit.

So as he goes through the story he talks about how only 4 other people in the unit survive to reach the village, but as he says in disgust, he could not go home empty handed, so they were ordered to round up and execute the villagers.

So, from here, you can take more of an interpretation of what happens next. Assuming he is in charge, he follows orders and begins executing the civilians, or it was he, in a fit of madness caused by heatstroke and frustration, orders the men to simply mow down the civilians,

But wait, he tried to stop the man from starting the massacre

That's right, but here is something else that I think is important to mention:

in the early teasers of the game and in pre release stills and concept art, Billy's eyecolor is brown, yet in game and I believe on the boxart, his eyes are blue. But Why is this important?

As you can see in the cutscene, as billy tries to stop the murder from commencing, right before the flashback ends, you see the same striking blue eyes looking out from the darkness caused by the man's hat. Now, for Caucasians, having blue eyecolor is pretty common, buy one thing that I want to stress is that it seems to be a rather odd coincidence that it just so happens that they want you to see that the person in charge had blue eyes and Billy happened to have his eyecolor change during the course of the game's development.

So what I am trying to infer from here is that what we see as Billy tells his story is that he, in either his hands being tied due to command or due to anger issues (a very common reason to see a shrink or be committed) his mild mannered self tried to stop him from executing the civilians, but was unable to, and can't cope with the truth that he was the true monster in that moment.

So from there, everything seems straight forward, Billy and the survivors were evacutated after the massacre, and instead of him being framed, the other marines did as the right thing during his court martial and confessed to following his orders and caused the massacre.

So back in the present, the final thing that I see that I think wraps this idea up is that when Rebecca tries to connect the dog attacks to the dead MP's and naively suggests to come in for a retrial, Billy immediately squashes the idea, knowing that the evidence, even if he tries to say its fake, is stacked against him knows that he is guilty, and immediately switches the subject to prevent her from getting more information and possibly ruining his narrative.

So, what do you think?

Still pretty anecdotal, but it would make Coen a lot more interesting if he really was guilty of a war crime, but still put his life on the line to save Rebecca (who is technically a cop).

Group Admin

5453070 i think so , too. But realizing this made me have a Kaiser Soze moment.

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