The Immortal's Fellowship of Commanders 86 members · 43 stories
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Welcome to the Immortal's Fellowship of Commanders! Introduce yourselves here. Tell us a little about yourselves. Who are you? What is your favorite strategy game? What's your favorite fanfiction? And, above all, what's your strategy?

The three basic strategies are as follows:

1) Endure

"Resistance is futile."

You are unstoppable, implacable, and undeniable. Your fortresses are impregnable. You endure. You always endure.

Attacks mean nothing to you and your armies. Your soldiers' armor is indestructible, or - in the event that you do take heavy losses - the losses you take are meaningless. You have reserves. Your enemies cannot hide from you, either, for you and your forces are ever vigilant. There is no sneaking past your defenses.

Your enemies can attack your fortresses as long as they want; it is all in vain. Eventually, they will all find themselves ground to dust beneath your warmachines that, although slow, cannot be held back by any barricade, nor by any bulwark. Or alternatively, you don't need an army at all. The weapons hidden within your base can simply blast your enemies to oblivion as they batter themselves to pieces against your defenses.

2) Assault

"The only order worth remembering is 'attack'."

Armor is for cowards. Cover is for the weak. The best defense is a good offense.

Your armies are poorly armored, and would be easily defeated...if your enemies were only able to land a hit on them. Your troops attack with such speed and ferocity that there is no need for defense. Your enemies are dead before they can put up more than token resistance. Should they have a fortress that repels any conventional attack, you can always rain down death from above to get rid of them.

3) Subterfuge

"And another who stood against me falls! So it will be for you, General. No warning. No mercy."

Your enemies are already dead. They just don't know it yet.

Your army isn't the biggest, the fastest, or the strongest. But that's okay, it doesn't need to be. Your enemies will never see it anyway.

You don't put much stock in static defenses or all-out attacks. Sneaking and sabotage is more your style. You hit your opponents hard, hit them where it hurts, and hit them while they aren't looking. By the time the battle starts, you've already won. Your enemies just haven't figured it out yet.


My name: Caledus the Immortal, patron and creator of this Fellowship of Commanders...that's about as much as you're getting. I don't use my real name online.

My fave strategy game: Oof...this be a tough one. Hmm...I think I'll say Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2. It's the game that got me into RTS in the first place.

My favorite fanfiction: Alright, I mostly put this in for other people. I really can't say that I have a favorite fanfic.

My strategy: Endure. I always endure. Always


Well, I'm Dropbear271, in gaming circles i'm known as Comradebiggles and my top achievement so far was going against the world number one in Supcom FA and lasting more than thirty minutes while managing to almost destroy his commander first.

I like all the Total Wars, even the ones people say are crap (Darthmod for Empire, how can you not like that?) I had no problems with Rome 2 as I managed to find mods that imrpoved the launch a lot and as of now it's pretty decent. My computer is also a beast I built myself so no issues with the graphics there.

Always enjoyed the fringe 4x's, for example the 'X' series, Starruler, Stardrive, Sword of the Stars 1 etc. I also enjoy some TBS, 'Storm: Frontline Nation' is pretty fun and pretty much anything like 'Hearts of Iron'. Total Annhiliation, Supcom and FA are great, I remember when I got my preorder of Supcom on the day it was released I waited the hour it took to install and then when I got into the game I was in heaven. The Stargate mod for Starwars: Empire at War is a godsend, even if there are plenty of exploits.

Pretty much look at any RTS/4X that isn't a tower-defence/Ipod port and i'll have played it. That said Total War is my all-time favorite games, despite the often shaky launches CA work hard to fix issues and hopefully we'll see a Warhammer total war game from them soon.

Fav fanfic is the 'Across the Sea' by John Hood. Snowy is my waifu.

Lastly I endure, nothing beats creating an unstoppable super-fortress and then sitting back watching your opponants try to breach it while your entire fields of superweapons draw closer to completion.

As can be guessed from this the UEF is indeed my chosen faction in Supcom.


Name: Midnight

Fav Strategy game: Dawn of war Winter Assault

Fav FanFiction: Do you believe in ghosts? By the Material Defender.

Strategy: Subterfuge. If done right you can take out anything.


My name: Iron Galley, the slow-moving mass of infantry that loves attrition warfare.

My fave strategy game: Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms Expansion.

My favorite fanfiction: None, closest there is would be Feathered Heart.

My strategy: I guess I'll go with Assault, though my strategy is not a fast blitzkrieg. My strategy is more of a 'Amass an enormous army made up of infantry and artillery, then get it on a fleet and deploy it in the middle of enemy territory' kind of strategy. It usually works because I throw the enemy off-balance.

My Name: Merne

My Favorite Strategy Geam Game: C&C: Tiberian Sun, I would say. Not many strategy games keep me coming back like this one.

My Favorite Fanfic: Fallout: Equestria? I dunno, I temper my opinions on fanfiction.

My strategy: Endure. Not a man or machine falls!

My name: Lord Peachew a gamer and fanatic reader

My fave strategy game: is Total annihilation

My favorite fanfiction: As of right now is bad mondays and anything by Dropbear271

My strategy: Endure

My name: Kalbim

My favorite strategy game: Warhammer 40K
My favorite strategy video game: Medieval II: Total War

My favorite fanfiction: Currently, Resuscitatio Artium Magicarum

My strategy: Subterfuge

My Name: Redskin122004

My favorite strategy game: Surprisingly its Chess. Simple and elegant, yet requires a lot of thinking and planning.

My favorite strategy video game: Command & Conquer (All series)

My Favorite fanfiction: TCB: The Other side of the Spectrum. Not because I made it, but it requires me to think in dozens of different ways to react during war.

My Strategy: Endure with Subterfuge

Ave, Ego sum Caius Octavius Caesar, known better as Imperator Caesar Divi Fillius Augustus, Or The emperor Augustus, son of the god Caesar, the first and most successful emperor of Rome, for i am obviously modest when I introduce myself :twilightblush:.
My favorite strategy game would be either be chess, settlers of ctan, or the ever lovely Warhammer games (fantasy and 40k.)
for Video games, the total war series is a favorite, as was age of empires, star/war-craft and the original dawn of war, but my love is for the civilization series and galactic civilization for their complexity.
My favorite strategies are endure and assault, or a combination.
to sit in a fortress, seeing hundreds upon thousand throw themselves in vain against the walls, but for naught, as the men will hold the line until they run out of ammunition, until their swords broken and shields shattered, and even then they will fight tooth and nail, fist and foot to keep the enemy at the doors.
another favorite is the sending of thousands of conscripted levies into the field, drowning the poor sod of an enemy in a mass of human rage and violence.
the combination of the two, heavily armored legions storming a front and splitting the lines of the foe with the force of a moving glacier, is unstoppable.
the practice of the darker warfare i unknown to me, and as a result i only modestly dabble in it when i cannot face a foe on the field in equal footing.
I realize now I got a little carried away with my description :facehoof:
My favorite used to be fallout equestira, which inspired me heavily, but my favorite is contested with keepers of discord, mort takes a holiday, and the ever-so-wonderful warhammer story honor and friendship.

Name's Jack Kellar, AKA Editor Beetle or Scowling Gull depending on what gaming network you're looking at.
Favorite game? Wow, a little tough. I love the first two Age Of Empires and Age Of Mythology, ain't too bad at Warcraft 3, UFO Aftermath, and if turn-based strategy is also in the dish, XCOM: Enemy Unknown as well. But none of these beat the sheer prowess this officer has in Command & Conquer: Generals. For non-electronic gaming, chess has a spot in my list, even though I have no one to play with.
Favorite stories are Arrow 18 Mission Logs: Lone Ranger, ARTICLE 2 and, on the non-human-focused part, Resuscitatio Artium Magicarum (never mind that we have a homo sapiens in it, he's practically a native). Without my species on stage at all, Body And Mind is something I can't recommend enough.
Strategy? Why, of course it's subterfuge. While brute force and counteracting it openly are sometimes necessary and rolling in in the middle of the day so the enemy can quake at your amalgamation of troops ready to fight and kill for their commander, I feel much more pleased when my soldiers infiltrate without being noticed and blow up the buildings on the enemy trench with their own tank shells. It's a much bigger proof of skill, and doesn't have my boys injured or dead in droves. Most generals forget that their men aren't throwaways: they're people. I don't.

Hail and well met, friends!

Name: Here it is Malcho1234, or just Malcho for short. I have other names in other sites, from Shadowstorm to jjgeorgiev and variations of them.

Favorite strategy game: I'm split between Star Wars: Empire at War and the Dawn of War series. Both are great, both I excel at (or used to... Haven't had the chance to play them in ages), both have armies that I just love. The Empire for EaW and IG for DoW.

My favorite fanfiction: TCB: The Other Side of the Spectrum.

My strategy: It's a mix of the three. Endure while the enemy is attacking, with some Subterfuge to take out critical structures of their base. Once that's done I launch an all-out Assault that tramples the enemy under superior firepower and long-range artillery.

"No Fear, no Doubt.
No Surrender, no Retreat.
No Mercy, no Remorse.
Victory at all cost!"

Name: Thor the Thunder God

Favorite Strategy Game: Starcraft 2, although i'm shit at it.

MY favorite fanfiction: The Only Element He Needs.

My Strategy: I usually go for a bit of Subterfuge, during this time I build up a huge army. Then i launch an all-out assault. Though other times i just go straight for an all-out assault.

Name: Glorious Imperator also known in the past as The Allfather and Church Militant. Reader, Gamer, Perfectionist, Anime lover.

Favorite Strategy Game: Victoria 2

Favorite Fanfiction: I do not have a favorite.

My Strategy: To endure and when the enemy is weaken by hunger and disease to charge out and finish them off.

My name: Slaughterstone

My fave strategy game: The Homeworld series of games. Not many people seem to know about them but they are awesome and an official HD version is in production. I also play C&C: Tiberium Wars, Company of Heros, Supreme Comander and Xcom if that counts.

My favorite fanfiction: So hard to decide. Probably MIA if I had to pick one of the top of my head.

My strategy: Endure such that they shall never touch me. Advance when they cannot stand against me.
Doesn't work playing Homeworld though. Fighter and Corvet screen until I have enough research and resources to build capital ships.

Name: Guardian of Harmony.

Strategy: Endure till they can't stand against me anymore.

Favorite RTS: Command and Conquer. No singular I like them all... except a certain recent addition to the series.

Hello everyone!
Name: W0lfR0ck
Strategy: Assault. All the time.
Favorite Strategy Game: Hmm. I would have to go with Planetary Annihilation. Cause I mean, who doesn't like smashing planets together with your enemy on it. Then nuking the ruins. Multiple times. Then as they scramble to make another base roll in with an army of super walkers laughing.

My name: Flyerton
My fave strategy game: Supreme Commander. All of them. If you count grand-strategy, include ALL of the games paradox has made. NO EXCEPTIONS.
My favorite fanfiction: If possible, fanfics on a macro-scale. Or just Germans, they sell anything to me. Unless it's horribly accented German. One exception is Dropbear, whose stories are so well-written I went on a 30 hour binge watch when I first discovered them.
My strategy: Endure. Endure everything. In SupCom, my entire strategy is to set up a strong enough defense for rushes, advance my economy and production as much as possible within the space I control, upgrading the defenses to higher tiers, and then spamming massive amounts of Experimentals while my enemy tries in vain to break through my giant lines of defenses.

Name: Phalanx or Exterminator

Fave RTS game: Split between Supreme Commander and Xcom EU and Within

Fave fan fic: I have no paticular favorite fanfic but my favorite category of Fics is where either two extremely powerful entities or groups dook it out or some other powerful group/entity completely dominates over a inferior being/group.

My strategy: I usualy will stay out of dodge for most of the game and secretly build a big powerful army, then when my army is OP enough I explode out and overwhelm my enemies when they least expect it. This could be filed under endure

Name: Broodmother Marsara.

Favorite RTS: StarCraft II.

Favorite fan fic: None are the best.

Strategy: Endure.

Quote: "We may die... We may all die... But we will take as many with us as we can!"

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