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It's the 30th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation this week! I actually had no idea until I was informed by this hilarious Honest Trailer, which pokes some nostalgic fun at the series. Someone must have spent a good amount of time researching this, there's stuff in there that I never noticed!

Site Blogger

Loved it.

Once you see the Riker Maneuver, you can never unsee it.

Also, have a supercut of every time Worf gets shut down:

Group Admin

Oh man. That was a trip down memory lane.

Also due to a bizarre coincidence, the horrible space ghost boning episode is in fact the only one I've seen in recent years.

30 years for TNG? holy crap man does that make me feel old. :rainbowlaugh:

Back in our first, craptastic apartment, a brick oven in that September heat wave, my wife and I watched the premier on a 12″ color TV sitting on a "liberated" milk crate. We were super excited not only for the second coming of Trek, but because, for the first time for both of us, we had cable instead of OTA. We drifted away from watching Trek sometime during the DS9/Voyager years, I suspect due to over saturation and parenting, but I'm proud to say we minted a second generation fan who has watched almost all of the franchise's output, including the animated series, once he's finished with Enterprise.

If only humanity could live up to Star Trek's optimistic outlook. And Bill Theiss' fashions




Seriously, I was always amazed that Sub Rosa (that episode where Crusher shacks up with a 'ghost') actually made it on broadcast TV. I remember watching it for the first time and my old man said "Kinda reminds me of The Entity."

My reaction:

I hate these videos so much. Probably more than I should. But they're just so unfunny! They take a show, unfunnily describe it badly, and act like this is an original genre they invented. "Describe a X plot badly" has been a joke for decades. DECADES, AT MINIMUM!

There shouldn't be "Honest Anime Trailers" and "Honest Game Trailers" for the same reason there shouldn't be a "PonySins" and "Anime Sins". These Screenjunkies normie crapshows aren't funny!


I remember that I was in Junior High and a STFan looking so forward to ST:TNG. ¡I loved Encounter at Farpoint! The show had hits and misses, but mostly hits. It improved after Gene Roddenberry retired:

It was a mistake having no conflict in the crew. Since the ship could not be in constant external danger, so many episodes where lackluster at 1st. After Riker grew his beard, we had heated,but civil discussions about what the crew should do, which ended with the drew still being friends. Then we had children on he ship:

The idea was that Pax Kirk lead to a long period of little warfare. The crew wanted their civilian spouses. At 1st, they could join as civilian workers. Then, finally, dependents, such as elderly parents and children could reside on board. Wolf 359 changed that:P

With the deaths of myriads (a myriad is a fancy word for 10,000) of children at Wolf 359, Starfleet ban new children on vessels. Because of the need to retain personel after Wolf 359, crew with children on ships could keep then (those children were granddfathered in), if the parents acknowledge that this is very dangerous.

The Pax Kirk, lead to newer vessels such as the Galaxy-Cless starships being tactically weak:

The USS Galaxy is twice as fast as thee USS Ambassador (the warpscale s logarithmic), but its shilds and weaponsystems are hardly better. This caused the UFP much trouble during the Dominion-War. The USS Soveign is a much better balance of speed, shields, and weapons. This leads to an interesting anecdote

Te USS Odyssey was a Galaxy-Class starship. It was the 1st UFP-Flagship to engage the Dominion. Its weapons and shields were no match for the Jem'hadar. The emphasis of warpdrives of the UFP meant tat the Odyssey was faster than the Jem'hadar, but the crew of the Odyssey did not know that, but the Jem'hadar did. The 1st system the Jem'hadar disabled during the battle was the warpdrive of the Odyssey. After that, the Odyssey did not have a chance.

So now, ¿Kirk? or ¿Picard? I choose Picard. Picard is a paragon. The most human of all regular Captains is Captain Benjamin Sysco.

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