Sunset Shimmer is Best Pony 721 members · 646 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Look, I know My Past Isn't Today is technically Sunset's theme song, but here is a song and theme that could work just as well:


I like it because it seems that the possibilities with Sunset seem to be endless
So, what songs do you think will make good themes for Sunset? (My Past Isn't Today doesn't count)

4766452 I love Sunset and Endless Possibilities, I haven't listened to it in forever, it does suit her character


Music and lyrics fit her perfectly.

Sunset Shimmer is too grounded to have endless possibilities as a song. She's attached to the world around her and not going to run off to the next possibility without thinking. It's a great song, but it doesn't fit Sunset's character.



Group Admin

4766452 4766469 4766637

Hey guys, love the thread topic I'll be providing my own two cents soon but first things first. I would like for you (all of you) to stop embedding videos.
Embedding too many videos can cause a lot of problems, primary of which they can cause tons of lag and making said videos unviewable (not to mention the page itself) which defeats the entire purpose of this particular thread.

I suggest instead a compromise: Linking. Instead of Embedding vids provide links instead. If you still wish to embed vids, embed TWO and TWO only per thread. Those of you who have already embedded vids please adjust them to the new format else this thread faces DELETION.

Fear not, since this wasn't a rule until now there will be no consequences but after I add this to the rules there will be.

Signed your friendly neighborhood Admin,


4767177 Apologies, I'll keep that in mind.

Group Admin

4767198 Its fine you didn't know. Just fix your post and all will be well.

second one definitely:rainbowdetermined2:

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