Adda's Bookshelves 69 members · 1,852 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Adda le Blue
Group Admin

I'm known as a pretty honest pony, but that doesn't mean I don't feel bad every time I leave a critical comment. I know how hard it is to write a story, and how soul-crushing it can be to see it go unappreciated or even be attacked by the readers. To that end, I want to give you all an opportunity to fight back.

If you see that I have moved your story from my Read Later list to one of my Dislike folders and you feel you have something to say about it, we don't have to do it on your story's comment section, out in the open. You can come here and we'll discuss it. I only ask a few things of you: keep an open mind, maintain civility, and be willing to listen and learn. I assure you that I'll give you the same courtesy.

While not technically an objection, I happened to see this group among the ones my story, The Dull Afterglow, was added to. The thing is, it doesn't appear to be in any of the folders. I'm just curious about that.

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

I placed it in the Sad (Unread) folder since I wasn't sure just how much of a Tragedy it'd be. It's on the third page. Hm... I've been in the mood for some heavy shipping. Maybe I should bump this into the Stack.

Also, how have I not added Silence to this group yet? :twilightsmile: That one looks to be right up my alley.

Yay! Two stories added to the list, with minimal interference on my part :twilightsmile:

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

Now that I've realized that Growing Up isn't foalcon, make that three. :twilightsmile: I'm always on the lookout for good stories, so if you think yours or somepony else's are worth reading, stick them in the suggestion box! I can't promise that I'll get to them in a timely manner, though; I've been so busy that I've only read four stories in the last month.

Huzzah! The additions have multiplied! I dunno if I'll add anything, since you've got tons of submissions already, but it is nice to know that my story found its way here without my involvement.

And I totally know what it's like to have tons to go through, both from being a Twilight's Library admin and from my own personal reading. I actually cut my RL list down from 320 or so to the current 76, while adding new stuff to it. I make it my goal to read at least one chapter per day.

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

My goal used to be a story a day since I'm no good at stopping in the middle of a good read, but... you know... life. Almost all of what little free time I have is now spent playing and planning games for the Changeling Panic group or hanging out outside of Fimfiction. Someday I'll read stories again, and they're going to be awesome!

Ah. Life. I remember having one of those. Now it's wake up, read a bit, write a bit, go to school, go to work, come home, play video games, and then the cycle repeats.

I like to set high writing and reading goals for myself, then get bummed out when I don't meet them. Still trying to do my first longfic. That sort of thing has not worked out well in the past.

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