Aryanne Is The Best Pony 339 members · 51 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Hello, I've been reading some Stories about Aryanne lately and think that most of them lack something. I'm gonna try to write one, but there are something's about Aryanne that I still don't understand. There's seem information that I need in order to make honor to the Aryan pony waifu in the Story. I suppose that among you are some of the people that know best about her. I'd like to know:
1.- Nazism in Equestria: Which is the superior race?, Which races does Aryanne detest? Does the skin/fur/mane color matters?, Are those things commonly understood or I can set them the way I see more fitting.
2.-Is Aryanne's personality well defined? Is she a very strict Nazi military? or is she a well behaved Nazi girl that wants to put her grain of sand to correct the birthrates?
I would very much appreciate your help.


From what I understand, Aryanne is a Unicorn supremacist despite being an earth pony so I would assume Unicorns are the master race.

Wow, that was quite fast for a group with +2 years of inactivity. Thank you so much pal.

Aryanne is pretty open to interpretation. I see her as a Pony who starts off racist, then goes through a redemption arc.

Her personality is quite far from well defined; For me, I just like the smut.

So in the end, Aryanne is the ponification of National Socialism, and I can shape her as I see more fitting to 1.- Represent the racial values of nazism and 2.- Entretain the reader? Is that Right?

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