Reality Reviews. 22 members · 17 stories
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Hello my name is Robinofdeed and this Reality Reviews!
Today I will be reviewing the story "Your Human and You" By MadMaxtheBlack.
Lets Begin!

Name: Your Human and you. This name reminds me of a book I read once called "Your Dog and You" which was a guide book teaching me the yes and no's about taking care of a dog, though "Your Human and You" isn't so much a guide on raising humans but an overall comedy.

Plot line: Without ruining the story I will give a brief description of the plot, In this world of Equestria Humans are mindless animals and are treated as such until a Human from our world called "Max" mysteriously appears in Equstria, now he is the "Pet" to a certain magical unicorn we all know and love and must try and find his way back home.

Complexity: The story is quite simple in the sense how it is written, the hero is put through some hardships and then given some peace before something very bad happens that scars the hero for life. Though it does throw allot curve balls at us while we read it that keep us reading.

Character development: The main character starts off being scared, angry and un-trusting of the ponies though as the stories progresses he becomes attached to them so much that when he is given the choice to go home he has to make a harsh dissension. The ponies though are quite simplistic and often are a little dull, though the main six keep true to their characteristics.

Length: Each chapter is going into the thousands of words and so far there are 42 chapters overall, the longest chapter is over 16.000 words.

Spelling/Grammar: The spelling is almost perfect with only a few minor mistakes that have been cleaned so far. The Grammar though...Is almost top notch! Though I think he has worked those out as well

Mood: The mood changes with each chapter, sometimes happy, other times are mournful and then there are sometimes that are just comedic. Though overall the whole vibe is quite dark.

Uniqueness: The story is unique enough to inspire many other writers to make spin-off versions of what they are calling the YhaY universe, though there are stories much like this idea where Humans are seen as cattle or just plain animals.

Personal thoughts: I love this story, it has good writing, the characters are interesting and the whole plot is mind boggling to the part where you start to actually feel for the characters.

Total score: I give this Story a 81/100

This is my first review and I hope you liked it.
If you didn't...Well you can shove your tally wanger up your own bong hole.

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