Adagio Dazzle 909 members · 914 stories
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Something occurred to me last night.

Water is not a good place for paper or writing tools. I know, shocking, but it's just one of those things we take for granted.

Now, in Equestria, we can assume that when they aren't feeding on emotional strife, Sirens are mostly aquatic.

When the Dazzlings were banished, we can probably assume that they didn't immediately go to school. Assuming that Canterlot High is in North America, they would have arrived at a time when there were a number of highly developed agricultural American Indian civilizations, and Viking voyager Leif Eiriksson visited and settled an area called Vinland (the northern tip of Newfoundland).

Not exactly the best upbringing for learning to read and write.

Now, i'm sure over the years, they might have learned to recognize a few words (insert "Adagio/Aria complaining about the language changing every century" joke), but we can reasonably guess they learned about human culture mostly through observation.

Interestingly, it seems all the Dazzlings actually did during their stay at Canterlot High was further their plan, rather than any actual schoolwork too, but then again there seem to be very few actual classes at that school, so this probably doesn't count for much.

Do I have a point? did I miss something? am I taking this too seriously?

Well, that's assuming that they've been in the human world of Equestria girls for 1000-ish years, and in that time they've lived on the fringes of human society for all that time and have accomplished jack-all. Learning to read and right and speak human languages would take alot of time, a lot of keen observation and then lots of interaction would could be reasonably done in the 10 century time span. It seems however, aside from figuring out how to lay low and then totally abandoning that when there is a hint of magic in the air, they haven't done much of anything else.

Now, I could be wrong, but there is a lot of potential time that they could have been sent to the human world, as the timeframe when Starswirl was active is so unspecific. He SEEMS to have been active in Equestria sometime after Luna's banishment, but he could well have been around and did his famous stuff within 100 years of the current time line, which if that's so, it somewhat better explains the Sirens still being young and only barely integrated into human society.

Of course, given that they aren't ponies and live in the sea, another funky thing about their knowledge base might mean they don't know about Discord, Changelings, Sombra, or even NMM, let alone the defeat/reformation of these villains. Modern Equestria could be as alien and foreign to them as the human world was when they arrived there.

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