Adagio Dazzle 908 members · 912 stories
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This is a cross post of my recent blog post. Original can be found here.

I wanted to post this here and in the related Sunset group because I don't know how many(if any) Sunset or Adagio fans I might already have. So, why not come to the source groups and post there?

Today’s fic: A Dazzling Sunset. [Shipping] [Redemption flavored Slice of Life] [Siren Headcanon Breeding Ground] [EQG-style “Humans”]

I assume you can tell from my hilariously clever naming scheme that it features Sunset Shimmer and Adagio Dazzle. The basic premise is Adagio is going through some weird stuff after the defeat at the Battle of the Bands. Sunset has a run-in with her and tries to use her own redemption experience to help out Adagio through the power of friendship kissyface. Also, Sunset volunteers at a horse park or something and Aria is a bitch. Whatever.

Inspirations: Primarily the early teasers for Rainbow Rocks. Sunset was just adorbs and Adagio screamed “I AM BLONDE GIRL VERSION OF MEGATRON!” and I just fell in love with the concept of them as a thing. Later, when the movie had come out and I’d seen it, I was just more in love with it. The headcanon gears started spinning on the backstory of the sirens and the unanswered issues still swirling around Sunset, scratching my need for worldbuilding itch and the story blossomed.

Of course, once the fanart community started churning out more pic of the two and sometimes together, that only added fuel to the fires.

Another thing that must be said about this fic is that it is, to me, an apology to my readers for the rushed and clunky, cliched “romance” that was in Twilight’s Monster. I was unhappy with that part, and every review I’ve received has pointed to that aspect as the weakest part of the story. So as an apology and proof that I could write shipping fics worth a damn, I set sail on the underrepresented Sundagio ship.

And just fyi, I fell so in love with the idea of this ship that they will be appearing in an My Little Dynamite side-story I also have in the works.

Progress: Sailing along quite smoothly, thankfully. That’s why I wanted to blog about this fic first. It’s my intent to publish this fic when it is complete, as opposed to chapter by chapter - because frankly, my quality and speed are better that way. It’s sort of an experiment for me, so we’ll see how it turns out.

According to Gdocs, the 4 completed chapters are coming up to 19937 words (wow...seriously?). I’ve just started on chapter 5, and if I’m gauging things correctly, I’ll need at least two more to get what I want to accomplish done. Since the chapters are falling in at roughly 5K per, this shouldn’t take too long if I maintain my focus and current pacing.

I don’t have a firm date in mind to be done with this project. I write as I have the free time and presence of mind to do so. I’m bouncing back and forth between this, Alicorn Switcheroo’s final chapter and the final chapter of My Little Dynamite: Book One, so it’ll be done when it’s done.

But enough of that! Let me whet the whistle with an excerpt of the current, unedited work:

“He-he-hey! No!” Adagio tried her best to smile as non-threatening as she could.

“What are you doing here?” Sunset growled. “Don’t think that just because I’m not with my friends that you Dazzlings can take me without a fight!”

“No! No, we’re not here to do anything like that!” Adagio coughed and her teeth started to chatter. “I-I-I’m alone! I swear!”

Sunset continued to hold the pitch fork up to Adagio’s face and looked around as if she suspected the other sirens to jump out from the empty stalls around them. “Ooooook...why are you here, Adagio?”

“Uh...I don’t...know?”

“What?” Sunset locked her eyes on the siren again and took a half step forward. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m not lying! Please, I mean no harm, Sunset. I really don’t know why I’m here!” Adagio swallowed and licked her lips nervously. “I was...was walking around and I came here...because...I don’t know why. Things have been weird for me recently, ok?”

The rusty tool lowered slightly and Sunset cocked her head to the side. “Alright. Let’s say I believe you, Adagio. What’s to stop me from kicking your ass sideways right now for what you and your friends did at Canterlot High?”

“They aren’t my friends.” Adagio took a deep breath and let it out slowly while her heart continued to hammer in her chest. “Well, maybe Sonata in a vague way, but if I don’t see Aria again ever, I wouldn’t feel too bad about that.”

The fork lowered to hover just off the ground, ready to move if it was needed. Sunset took her own steadying breath and then took a step back, but kept her eyes on Adagio. She looked the siren up and down in silence for a solid minute before she lifted the fork up and rested it against her shoulder.

“Is that a bruise on your cheek?”

Adagio frowned and put a hand against the spot where she’d been hit. The sting had lasted her from the trailer to the parking lot so a bruise didn’t really surprise her. She pushed herself very slowly off the wall and tugged her hood closer to hide the bruise as best she could. “It doesn’t matter. Nothing someone like you would understand.”

“I’m not your average goody-goody pony, remember?” Sunset crossed her arms over her stomach. “How long were you standing there behind me?”

Adagio looked down at the straw covered floor and stuck her hands back in her pockets. “Long enough.” Her eyes snapped back up when she heard the creaking of the wooden handle of the pitchfork. She could see Sunset’s knuckles turning white with the strength of her grip.

The redhead’s eye twitched and then she took a deep breath. “Adagio, I don’t want to broadcast that little fact to the town. I’d appreciate it if you kept that little bit to yourself. Consider it a truce. You keep that secret, I don’t introduce you to the business end of this farming implement.” Sunset nodded toward the pitch fork for emphasis.

“I...I can agree to that.” Adagio smirked. “Kinda nostalgic, being threatened by one of those. All that’s missing is the torches and the angry mob.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been in the world a long time, haven’t you?”

“You could say that.”

So, there you have it. Expect to see this hot mess soon enough and look out for more blogs on this and my other fics.

Stay classy

Ooooh. Sundagio from Fuzzyfurvert? 9/10 would read.

Hey, that's nice! I have no idea who are you, but it's nice!

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