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Everything Wrong With:
A Halloween to Remember
By Lethally Insane
Warning: Spoilers Ahead!

“I don’t see why not.” Rainbow replied, “ Also, we have Twilight this time. There’s no way we can lose!”

1. I can name plenty of ways you could lose, an actual monster shows up, the world ends, you all die, Marvel comes in and takes over the story, DC Comics comes in and takes over the story, Sony comes in and takes over the story, Warner Brothers comes in and takes over the story, Walt Disney Animation Studios comes in and takes over the story, Pixar Animation Studios comes in and takes over the story, DreamWorks comes in and takes over the story... *Ding*

2. Asking how you can lose is the number way to jinx yourself, screw you Rainbow Dash, you jinxed them all. *Ding*

What naw, they’re all mushy, and sparkly.” Rainbow said.

This is actually Minus One Sin since this directly mocks the lame yet still somehow awesome and cool movie Twilight.

“Oh no, I meant the classical vampire.” Twilight said

Dracula is ALWAYS a win. So again, minus (another) one sin.

Current: 0

“Thank you miss shimmer,” she said stroking her blue toga, “ I’m a moon goddess.”

1. *Sighs* *Ding*

2. Really? A reference to the Moon Princess of Equestria? Really? *Ding*

3. Also there is a slight subtle hint/ clue or reference to the moon goddess (Greek or Roman) Artemis/ Diana. And while that may not be a sin for me knowing it or the author, it is for anyone who has to do research online, so thank you very much for giving us homework.

2. But I have to subtract one sin because the reference to classical literature is still there, and that's ALWAYS a win.

Current: 2

“Well the good news is no one is dead.” he told them.

3. If that's the good news then I wonder what could be the bad news? Care to explain author? No? Oh well then, that's too bad. *Ding*

The scent was killing her begging to have it’s source devoured by her. She started to stare at his neck, she felt points against her tongue, she felt them more, she started grinding her legs together. She felt her muscles beginning to tense up, preparing to pounce on her prey.

4. Taken out of context this scene is oddly sexual, (and) since I just did take it out of context that means a sin. *Ding*

Total: 4

Sentence: Being staked by Twilight (the Movie, not pony or person).

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