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I'm having trouble coming up with a title for a story I'm about to write.

It follows a group of friends who think they live very simple lives. They go to school, do homework, hang out, and do it all again the next day. However, they discover that the world they knew, isn't what it looks like. Turns out they were living in some kind of fake world, and all of their families and classmates were all made up. They don't know why they found out now, or why they were put in there to begin with. They don't even know what this world they thought they knew is made of, is it witchcraft? Advanced Technology? They don't know.

They all ban together and venture through the fake world until they can finally find a way out and see what the real world is like and why they were put into the fake world. I'm not sure if this premise has been done before or not.

Now, I'm having trouble coming up with a title for this. Any suggestions or advice?

3656160 First, this is a pony story you are working on right? :unsuresweetie:
Second, this sounds awfully similar to the Matrix. :trixieshiftright:

3656420 Yes the cast will just be OC's and take place in alt. Equestria and it does? Seriously? :rainbowhuh:

3656451 Yep. Neo lives a normal life, nothing seems out of place, finds one thing odd, is introduced to the idea that he lives in a computer world. Has to save the world. Gets the help of a rebel group to stop computer viruses.

3656456 Oh. I wouldn't know since I've never seen the Matrix. Also, Dang it! I thought this premise hasn't been used before. Do you have any advice to make sound more original?

3656462 Wish I did. Sorry, but I've got nothing.

3656483 Oh well, thanks anyway

don't give him Neo powers, thats how you can make it different

3656851 Well, I was thinking that instead of getting powers, each of the characters could get different weapons that helps them during combat. I don't think I'll make any of them unicorns though

3657542 Don't make them overpowered! Are they the Mane 6 or just OC's?

3656160 It may sound a little odd but how about "Reality?" or "The False Life Project"

3657560 The cast will be OC's but (probably) none of them will be unicorns and they'll have very basic and usual weapons.

3657562 Interesting titles. But idk if i want to make their false world either mystical or technical. I can't decide between the two

3657600 Can't it be combination of the two, using magic to operate the technology and show them false images and videos.

3657683 Hmm, that could work. Although I've been told that it's very difficult to juggle both magic and technology in a fic. But I could give it a try

3657687 Thanks. So other than that, do you have any other tips so that this fic isn't so much like the Matrix in any way?

3658143 I'll be honest, it doesn't sound like the Matrix to me only because it's not like the characters will have to deal with someone who just wants to kill them (Agent Smith) or go between the two realities like Neo and his group frequently. But I guess if I had to give some advice it would be to have fun with it. I'm not really use to giving advice so sorry about that generic line.

3658175 That's fine. I was thinking of instead of the enemies killing the characters they could just try to keep them in the false world and prevent them from escaping. And instead of powers they could get weapons. How does that sound? I'm trying to make as many differences as possible, and like i said I've never seen the Matrix

3658218 I've seen bits and pieces of the movies, myself. It sounds fine to me, it's definitely different from the usual they escaped and it's time to kill them thing that most stories go by. I also like the idea of weapons but that's just me, I really like weapons. By the way, what kind of weapons did you have in mind?

3658237 Well, i was planning of making a total of 7 OC's who are all friends. I was thinking that the main character could get these special gauntlets for his hooves, the main mare could get a whip, the arrogant friend gets a halberd type weapon, their funny friend gets a giant sword, his mare-friend gets a bow and arrows, their smart friend has two semi-automatic pistols, and their athletic friend obtains a bunch of bombs.

3658244 Wow, that is incredible. You don't see many fanfics where they're dealing with a whip, a halberd, or bombs for that matter.

3658260 I'd figure I would change things up a little. Also, I was considering maybe making the mane 6 the enemies in this one. Where they try to keep them in the false world for their own good so that they don't see what's become of Equestria or something.

3658292 Sort of. Like one OC fights one of the mane 6 and another fights another member. Seeing how there's seven against six I think I'll add Spike as a boss as well.

3658343 Will the Mane 6 have weapons too and will they be fighting normal Spike or grown up Spike?

3658403 I think the mane 6 will have weapons too. And I think I'm leaning towards regular Spike than full grown Spike, but idk

3658427 This is an interesting concept and I can't wait to read it. Just a random question, will there be alternate places for them to go through?

3658504 Well, it does take place in alternative version of Equestria, so yeah. Alt Ponyville, alt Canterlot etc. all i have to do now is come up with character names.

Also, as their traveling the false world will be constantly shifting from reality and illusions to make it more difficult for the group. It might even toy with their sanity

3658518 Seems like they're in for one weird rollercoaster ride. Ever figure out what kind of pony they would be?

3658567 Yeah. I think the main protagonist will be an earth pony, the supportive mare will also be an earth pony, their arrogant rich friend could be a unicorn, the funny guy could be a pegasus, his energetic mare friend is an earth pony who likes to dress up like a cat (she's into cats), their smart friend will be a pegasus mare, and their athletic friend will be an earth pony mare.

3658676 :pinkiehappy: Seems like your pretty much ready then.

3658705 Other than character names, yeah I think I'm set. That, and I'm sort of struggling how to make their personalities a little more separate from one another

3658719 That part is never easy but I'm sure it'll come to you as you write the story.

3658730 Yeah, I still don't know whether to make the main character either emotional or hard headed.

3658764 An emotional character usually deals with a difficult situations wondering if what they did was the right choice or not while a hard headed character typically takes action over thinking or makes decisions whether they be right or wrong. That is a tough one.

3658829 True. Plus i was planning on making the athletic mare the hard headed one while the supportive mare is the more emotional type. I can't really decide

3658851 To me and I know it goes with the usual trope of things but I think it should be the way you just said it, athletic being hard headed and supportive being emotional. Atheletic wouldn't really think about what to do and just take action and supportive tries to figure out if the choices she made were right and if she could change it before it was too late. Again, It's part of the neverending trope but it's your decision on what to do with them.

3658871 Yeah. But for whatever reason when I think up of OC's I can always come up with clear personality traits for the supportive cast but never the main character themselves.

3658883 You might just need to play out the story in your head and give the main cast random traits til something sticks. It might also help if you figure out who would go against the Mane six and make them the opposite. Just two ideas I thought of to help.

3658910 Alright, I think i have an idea of who will fight who. I was thinking of this for the main character. In the false world, he's like any ordinary scrawny kid and his "dad" signs him up for either boxing or karate lessons in the beginning to help him toughen up. Little did he know those lessons would actually help in the story. When I think about it, he's like the confused and insecure type. I do have other traits for the rest of the cast

3658947 Nice one for the main character. By the way if you don't mind me asking, what are the other's traits?

3658953 Do you mean of the main character or the supportive cast?

3659005 The supportive cast, if you don't mind.:pinkiehappy:

3659018 Ok. Let me think. The main mare is kind, caring, patient and one of the more clever members but can be pushed to her limits. Her interests include gardening, fashion, and nursing; so sort of like a combo of both rarity and fulttershy although not as shy and not as uptight.

Their rich stallion friend is often arrogant and blunt but never means to hurt his friends. He sees superiority above the group and likes to take his friends to fun places around the false world. He comes from a wealthy family, likes to be in charge, an wishes to become a detective one day.

The funny one is a gamer, often dressing up as certain video game characters, like pony warriors. He's considered cocky while playing games and is rather simple minded. He's the goof ball of the group and is rather fit and muscular for someone who plays video games in the false world.

His mare friend is air-headed and excitable. She's into cats, often dressing up as one and likes to watch anime. (If there is any in their world. If they don't, then just cats.) She's very protective of her friends, especially her colt-friend. She can also be a little yandere at times

Their smart friend is intelligent and cunning. Out of the group, she is the most stoic and calm. Her hobbies include reading pony magazines and playing chess. While she is calm most of the time, she can't stand loosing and can be short tempered when she doesn't get her way.

Lastly, their athletic friend. She's a big fan of soccer and likes to fight. She has a fiery personality and the most hot-headed. Like the other one, she can't stand losing and has a much worse temper. She jumps to conclusion and not very bright, but is by no means stupid. She can also be very loud-mouthed.

What do you think?

3659024 Wow, now I'm really excited about reading this story, these character have some funny traits to them and I can't wait to see how it plays out.:pinkiehappy:

3659045 Thanks. But I will be honest, It's going to take a while just to get started. There's still a lot of things i need to figure before I can start this. Like filling more plot holes and come up with names.

3659060 Patience is a virtue so I can definitely wait and I wish you the best of luck with this story.

3659079 Thanks, I'll try to make this a dark yet fun adventure. Like Hunter X Hunter or Yu Yu Hakusho

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