Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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I'm working on an Adventure story and right now I need a name for Celestia and Luna's father.
I also need a name for something that can combine the Elements of Harmony, Rainbow Power, and maybe some other elements.

3989045 My two favorite names for Celestia and Luna's father are: Solaris and Titan
As for the other one, I've always been a found of the name Harmonic Convergence.

3989045 Just out of curiosity, what would his special talent be? It may help with picking a name...but if it's not important yet, then one name I can think of could be "Solar Eclipse"

As for the name of the power, I'm sorry, but I honestly can't think of anything good at the moment...maybe something like "Endless Light" or something?

3989119 I should mention, the story is Anthro or Human (still haven't decided). If human, no cutie marks.

I see, well if it's anthro they they could still have Cutie marks on their legs that are rarely shown...and it's arguable that they could as human, just in the form of a symbol or decoration on their outfits. But if you don't plan on using it then for human, then they wouldn't have them.

3989136 on the genre, this is something for me and nineteen others to decide.

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3989045 I've never been good with names, but I'll try...

Celestia and Luna are both sort of Latin (or maybe Italian??) names (With Celestia meaning heavenly and Luna meaning moon), I'd suggest something in Latin (or Italian. I'm guessing Latin).

I don't really know. I'd have to know how you plan to depict him, how powerful he is, etc.

3992791 well, it is their dad.

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