Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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A Follower
Group Contributor

The current admins of this group are me, me, and the co-founder, who isn't really an admin. It's kind of a small crew...

So! That being said, we need admins! Anybody who wants to apply can apply. Just send me a PM or comment down below. However, we do have a few requirements to become an admin:

-You must be at least 5 years old.
-You have to be alive.
-You cannot block me.
-You have to actually check on the group every now and then once you're an admin.

So, is anyone up for the job?

4021469 Yo! I fit all of those requirements so I may as well apply.

I am interested, but I can't promise I can check on the group for some time,,,, My internet is kinda buggy

Comment posted by Bluegrass Brooke deleted Jan 29th, 2015

4021486 I quit because I got a ton of hate and none of the changes I made actually seemed to change the group in the way I wanted it to change. I just made the conclusion that I was in the wrong place.
And technically, that's not my latest admin job. My most recent is actually for the School For New Reviewers.
And don't do this, please. It's honestly quite annoying to have to defend my actions on completely unrelated forums.

4021469 I could take a stab at it

Group Admin

I've never been an admin before, but I might try to make an application here.

I'm 24 years old.
I'm am neither dead or undead, I'm still as alive as I can be.
I've never had any reason to block you. I doubt I ever will.
I'll try to remember to keep my eye on things.

p.s. I believe this was actually the first group I ever joined here on Fimfiction...

A Follower
Group Contributor

4021510 Doesn't mean I trust you...

A Follower
Group Contributor

4021511 I'll make you two the admins for now, but I might add more people or change things up a bit later once this group becomes less... dead.

Group Admin

Alright, thanks! :twilightsmile:

I promise I'll try not to abuse my power here. :scootangel:

Group Admin

4021469 I'm clearly rather late to the party, but I've come to offer my services. I've been a part of this website for near on three years now and I'd like to think I know what I'm doing. I've reached a period of my life where I'm interested in assisting people in any way they may need it, so if you'll have me, you're free to have me.

A Follower
Group Contributor

4050426 I'll add you for now, but maybe not permanently, k? It's only because I'm going on a temporary leave for health reasons very soon and I need people to take over for me while I'm gone.

Group Admin

4052723 Very well, I'll do my best and see what needs doing around here. Good luck to you, by the by.

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