Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

Posting this for A Follower.

Spent so much time typing this up, but I accidentally deleted it. Shit. really basic summary:

-I am a follower
-my life is screwed up
-i hate my dad
-he has custody of me
-I'm old enough to testify in the court
-I'd lose in court
-I'm very self-destructive when I'm stressed. My dad makes me stressed.
- something about Asians
-I'm a lot like my dad
-I'm not sleeping
-doi ng bad in scool

And now this long, thought out thing makes no sense. *cries*

The point is, I need help/advice but you know no nothing because I screwed up on my phone. Just ask me to clarify on things and I will.

And I know this post probably belongs in a different group, but you know what? It's my group, and there's nobody to ban me from it. So... help?

4161846 Wow.... If you do go into court, get a layer. Anyway, I could probably help, by getting your stress out, or just by talking. Hey, here's my Skype. Hikaylabug

Darling. :heart: Um, it's not your fault who's genetics you have but if you don't want to be like your dad you can try to not be like him and eventually, in time you'll break the habit. Lay down a list of thing you want to be like and practice, it will work. Also, don't worry, you'll move out soon enough. :heart:

Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

4161875 Not really... I still have 5+ years until I can move out... I think... at what age is it legal to move out?

4161846 Legal age to move out is normally 18. Not wholly advised as it can be stressful to just jump right into life on your own unless you have help or support. Your call still.

Anyways, I know life can suck and things can make it seem like the world is out to get you. I'm not here to say or know what you're going through as I don't, your post lacking info aside. From what I can see, I don't know what your going through. But truth be told, hunker down, wait it out, and you'll be able to put it behind you. I don't know what's going on between you and you dad and it's not my place to know. Do your best to get along until you can leave, unless he is abusive which i hope he isn't. Don't let a bad life get the best of you. Grab by its neck and give it a good shake. Find someone to talk to to get through this. You're free to talk with me if ever you need to when you're on here and it looks like you have someone else offering to talk. As for school, keep focused and do what you have to. Don't let anything or anyone get in your way of success.

You mention being self-destructive. Whatever you do, don't do anything rash out of frustration or stress. Life will suck at times and you see that now. Please don't hurt yourself. Talk it out.

4161910 Where I am it's sixteen, but I highly doubt that it's more than eighteen anywhere.

4161846 There's a way to channel your self-destructiveness. You can punish yourself by forcing yourself to study extra time, for instance. It will feel like torture, but since you'll be the one doing the forcing, you'll feel in control. It's your choice whether you use the stress to destroy your life or to transcend limitations you're faced with.

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