Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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A Follower
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Sometimes, there are really talented people who don’t receive recognition for their talents. No, not sometimes. Often. And this is especially true on this site for some reason. On here, you have people who do absolutely nothing with a lot of followers, and you have people with great talent who work very hard, but have a small amount on followers.

I’m here to help people receive the attention they deserve, every Monday.

This week, I will be featuring a lovely writer who goes by the name Star Pearl. She’s published ten stories on the site since May 2014, and yet she only has 19 followers. I’ve read some of her stories and concluded that bad luck and not enough exposure are the factors that resulted in so few followers, because she clearly can write pretty good fanfiction. Her stories are entertaining to read and actually readable, unlike some of the ones I’ve seen on here with spelling and grammar so terrible I can’t follow what’s happening in the story. They have easy-to-follow storylines, and unexpected moments that make me giggle.

Another thing that I admire about her stories is not only are they good, but she wrote them without much help, if any. She writes extremely well without the aid of an editor, prereader, or other. That’s something that not many people can do. If you look at the really well-known authors on the site, all their stories have been looked over by editors and such. They probably wouldn’t be as popular if they didn’t receive feedback and corrections before publishing it. I know for a fact that my fanfiction is terrible unless I ask people for help with it.

That being said, you should really check her out. I promise you won’t regret it.

She’s most proud of her story Girl Trouble, so you should definitely check that out as well.

As this is the first one of these, I'd really appreciate feedback and suggestions for what I should do in the future. Also, right now I posted the exact same thing here as in my blog, which will not happen later on. My plan is to have these mainly posted here with a shorter version posted in my blog, and to have more than one person write these. But we'll see how this works out.

Group Admin

4200234 Very interesting indeed.

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