Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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I am greatful for everyone's support. Our first follower goal I want to make it to is at least 90 or 100. It might be a lot to ask for, And I'm sorry if it is but I want to make a goal for us all to bring equality and especially peace. We want fairness, equality, and peace. That's what the group was made to achieve.


Group Admin

You just couldn't wait for my plan to come to fruition first, could you? :trixieshiftleft:

Group Admin

4248816 QUICK! HE'S ON TO US!

4248816 I just want peace in the world! But everyone other than the people who support me just think of it as a freakin bad thing. WHEN ITS NOT!!!!!!!! :fluttercry:

Group Admin

4248833 Oh, I don't think it's a bad thing lad. I respect Marx's idealism, I just don't at all agree with his idea. At the very least people should be made aware that Communism is different from Russia's perception of it.

4248842 thank you somebody agrees unlike someone else here who just wants me to feel horrible!!!

Group Admin

4248854 Actually, he was just pointing out the thread that he made about an hour ago. Seriously read it, you'll realize how funny this situation actually is.

4248860 I'm feeling horrible i read that blog post and what he said kinda ticked me off what he said about my group like treating me to the dirt! :fluttershbad:

Group Admin

4248870 ...U wot m8? Are you sure you actually read it?

4248885 I did he said "oh we already passed that group :pinkiehappy:" that hurt my feelings.

Group Admin

4248892 No offence... but how?

4248917 oh idk it just made me feel that way I was like "seriously why did you say that I really don't want to be competitive!"

Group Admin

Look, I may not be interested in joining your group, but I don't actually have a problem with it.

The thing I have a problem with is the timing of this thread in particular.

p.s. I never used the pinkiehappy emoticon in the other comment of mine you are referring to.

4248938 okay and two I know I put that there because how i felt you were saying it was in a happy mood.

4248753 how many fucking groups did you spam this into already.

4248976 I really only put it up in two different groups every day or so. Not a lot really

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