Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

Almost 200 members? That's just crazy. I feel like I actually have to do something now, like stop being lazy and find a banner already. Because I literally just grabbed a random picture off of the Internet to use as a banner. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for a banner?

Group Admin

4304422 The entire Apple family assisting in the reconstruction of the barn?

Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

4304701 Hm, that could work... can you upload it?

Group Admin

:rainbowderp: That's a pretty good idea.

I'd edit the banner myself if I were on a computer. I can't crop images right now...
Until I access a computer, I'll leave these three pics for you to choose from. They were the best options I found:

Image Link

Image Link
EDIT: That's weird... This picture shows up on my phone, but not my computer. :applejackconfused:

Image Link

Group Admin

4304725 Possibly, if I can find a good shot of it.

Group Admin

4304725 Would you say 1280x720 is too big?

I was thinking this might work.

It's actually much bigger, the chatbox seems to have downsized it.

Group Admin


Would you say 1280x720 is too big?

Unfortunately, yes. The banners are set up to where images work best when they are 1000 x 250 pixels.

However, I've just managed to get on a computer and crop a few images. Let me know what you guys think of these options:

(The first two pics were only 800 pixels wide to start with...)

Image URL

Image URL

Image URL

Image URL

Group Admin

4305145 I'd say either the first or the third. It should be noted that the third also looks a little more friendly and personal.

Group Admin

The first one had a bit of a cutoff at the right side, so I chose the third. How does it look?

Group Admin

4305169 I noticed. It looks very good. I'd say the banner is pretty relevant now.

Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

4305169 I'm on a phone, so I can't really give an opinion. :applejackunsure:

But I trust your judgment. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


Now we wait and see if Sleepy Panda likes it... Although I'm sure she will, given the pony with the green mane and tail near the center of the image. :trixieshiftleft:

Edit: Nevermind. I just saw 4305183's comment.

Group Admin

I appreciate that. :twilightsmile:

Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

4305187 Apple Fritter used to be best pony, but then Sugar Belle happened.:heart:

Group Admin

I see nothing wrong with having a runner-up best pony.

In my case, I actually have a three-way tie for best pony: :twilightsmile:, :yay:, & :derpytongue2:

Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

4305234 My friend hates Twi. We often write fanfics together where she gets blown up or something.

I think my faves are Luna, Discord, Sweetie Belle, Sugar Belle, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. I can't pick just one! :raritydespair:

Group Admin


I can't pick just one! :raritydespair:

Trust me, I am very familiar with that feeling. :applecry:

Group Admin


I'm sorry but... Celestia will always be my personal favorite. She'll get her moment to shine one day, I just know it!

Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

4305268 Celestia is one of my least favorite ponies.:trollestia:

I think I'm unconsciously terrified of her orsomething. One time, I was doodling in my notebook. I drew a crying pony looking at a picture frame on the wall, but I couldn't figure out what to draw that would be sad enough to make somepony cry. Anyway, I fell asleep while pondering over this with a pencil in my hand, and when I wake up, I look at the paper and see that the picture frame is no longer empty. Rather, I've turned it into a window as I drew in my sleep, and a VERY creepy, demonic-looking Celestia is peering through the window.:fluttershbad:

I literally jumped out of my seat and ran a couple miles away just to be safe.

True story. :moustache:

Group Admin

4305300 She's a victim of bad story telling, it happens to the best of us.

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