Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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She's an Earth Pony and her talent is to ease & heal psychological problems of living beings. One of her qualities is that she can easily understand another ponies feelings, even if they're not showing. One of her weakness is that she's almost as shy as Fluttershy.

Anyway, tell me what you think.

:unsuresweetie: <(. . .)

And as 4 you Sweetie Belle, I know you really like her mane.

Ps: I tested two ways of shading and the second one suited me better.

Group Admin

Heterochromia, huh? (Irises of different colors.) Kind of cool. :pinkiesmile:

What's with the pink thing on her tail? :applejackunsure:

This OC of yours, it has potential. What do you think of a collab story featuring one of my OCs with this one. Being me, it'll obviously be a romance but it's your decision if you wish to make a deal. PM me when you've made your choice.

4333416 It's like a tail wrap thinguie. Dunno how to properly explain it, but it's a thing :D

4333419 Okee-dokie, I'll think about it :)

Group Admin

Don't worry, that explanation makes sense to me. :twilightsmile:

4333451 Fine by me. You know what to do if you agree.

4333462 Glad you got it then :D

She's cute and has a great special talent, but some of the aesthetics need work. Bells and whistles increase the special snowflake status. :raritywink:


Aww, I want to belly rub her! :pinkiesmile: :heart:

So...I will be forward too like GodOfBBQ. (Rhyme intended? :rainbowlaugh:) Back to topic, I'm trailing off again, am I? I would love to use such a character eventually, when I find a place for it in one of my stories. So can I? Pretty please? :twilightsheepish:

4349073 Like GodofBBQ I'll give it a think :T I actually wanna do a story of her own and IDK if her... 'qualities' of this fic of mine will fit on a crossover :T But I'll think about it ^v^

Ps: Its easy to rub her, just smash your thumb on the screen and rub the f* out of her :D

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