Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

Hiya there, everybody! Some of you may have heard already, but SweetyBelleluvsu has dubbed today as First Follower Appreciation Day. Basically, you go and thank whoever your first follower is in a blog post, regardless of whether they'll actually be able to read it or not.

I didn't actually expect this to become a thing, but it seems to be spreading quickly, so I figure I might as well give it a little shove in the right direction. Spread a little goodwill and thanks around this site! Go thank your first follower!:pinkiehappy:

Unrelated: We've partially redesigned the front page of our group and updated it with newer information. You should go check it out, maybe. If you want to.

Group Admin

Oh... So it was a user here that just decided to make this a thing. I only saw it a couple of times in my feed before I jumped on the bandwagon. :derpytongue2:

Group Admin

4338389 I don't even remember which of these thirteen was the first.

Group Admin

4338767 My small pool of followers.

Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

4338803 Oh, I see. There's a way to check.:derpytongue2:

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