Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
Comments ( 19 )
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Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

This technically isn't new (it's been around for over a week or two), but I'm calling it new because people are just starting to notice it. That being said, I should probably explain it a bit.

Our group now has another folder in the stories section, titled "Review my story!" As the title implies, stories posted in this folder will probably get reviewed by someone. Anyone in the group can review a story, and any help is greatly appreciated. Anyway, since we now have a more complex part of our group, it's going to need its own rules.

For people requesting their story to be reviewed:
1. Only add YOUR OWN stories to the folder. If you're caught adding other users' stories to the folder, you'll get a warning. If you continue to break this rule, then this lazy admin will have to create some sort of ban system for the group. And she will not be happy.
2. Just remember, you asked for the review. If you don't like it, then there's not much I can say for you there. If you believe the review violates the rules or is abusive in some way, then send a PM to one of the admins and we'll look over it.
3. If you decide to post a thread in the forum requesting a story review, don't post more than one request thread per story.

For reviewers:
1. This is not Rage Reviews. Unless the author requests otherwise, don't go out of your way to point out every flaw and make fun of them.
2. Notify the author when you post the review. Send them a PM or comment on the story with a link.
3. Don't attack the author or insult them. You're here to critique the story, not the writer.
4. If you're reviewing a mature-rated story, make sure to mark it as such in the title of the thread. Actually, I'm not even sure if that's even allowed by site rules, seeing as this group isn't marked NSFW. Until I check in on this, no reviews on anything beyond a teen rating.

Some suggestions for authors requesting reviews:
-After posting your story in the folder, post a thread in the forum asking for it to be reviewed. There will be a higher chance of someone actually reviewing it.
-Decide what type of review you want and specify it in the forum post. Do you want your story to be reviewed in an entertaining way for enjoyment? Do you want it to be reviewed so that people can consider reading it? Do you want it to be reviewed and "graded" so that you can see what areas you need to improve on? (see below)

For reviewers:
If the author requests a certain type of review, then give them that type of review. For the most part, you can write a review however you want to, in your own style. However, if it's a review to help the author improve their story, then consider using this outline as part of your review. I haven't quite finished it yet, but it'll work well enough. The outline is also helpful if you're someone who hasn't reviewed a story before.

Any questions/suggestions/whatever? Post them below.

Oh, and is anyone willing to be a regular reviewer? Because if your reviews are good enough, you might earn contributor status. Just sayin'.

I'd be willing to help out with reviewing the fics. I'm an avid reader, so I think I have some idea of what goes into a good fic, although I'm far from what one would call a "professional reviewer".

I basically just try to offer my opinions. Oh, and critique grammar and spelling. I'm good at that. At least I think so.

Sleepy Panda is banned from fimfiction, but she's asked me to reply to this on her behalf.

5011172 She says you should probably contact one of the other group moderators if you want to do reviews.

5013069 She says you should check with the author where they want the review, because some might prefer to have it posted in story comments or PM instead.

Group Admin

...Sleepy Panda pretty much put me in charge here, but I've been procrastinating about this. Sorry, everyone. :twilightblush:

Thank you for replying on her behalf. That response is appreciated!

I definitely appreciate that you would want to help with the reviews here. I don't consider myself to be a reviewer at all, so that would be a tremendous help. :pinkiesmile:


I'll do my best.

Ceffyl Dwr (can't tag you because my phone shit itself), perhaps we could collaborate on a review sometime. Food for thought. :raritywink:

Group Admin


Ceffyl Dwr (can't tag you because my phone shit itself)

Yikes. I'll help you out a little.

Just tagging you for 5017728's comment.

Group Admin


Is there an index of reviews here, or some other notification of a review being completed, that I need to adhere to?

Just PM tarkus9 or me, or reply to one of my comments in this thread, and I'll edit the "Review My Story!" folder's description. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Your format looks okay to me, but I wouldn't exactly consder myself to be qualified for judging review formats. :twilightsheepish:


Work. Laziness. Work. Laziness. OMG I DID SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE. Repeat.

Yeah, I know your feel. :U

So since you reviewed one of the pending fics, that leaves... one, right? Unless you want to review some that have already been reviewed?


:rainbowlaugh: Haha!

I would totally never do something like that honest why are you looking at me like that

But heyyy, that means we can still do the two pending reviews as a cooperative thing. So how do you reckon we could manage something like that? Google Drive, maybe?


Has it been three days already? Guaaaaaaah

Alright, it sounds like a plan. Tell you what, since you accidentally reviewed the wrong story last time you get to pick the story we review this time around.

also your profile pic is adorable commence squee:twilightblush:

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