Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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Hello, all,

Recently, a friend that I made on this site finished some artwork that they did for one of my stories. I am trying to add the artwork to the body of my story, but when I click on the "Insert Image" icon and try to put in the URL, all I see is a message saying "Invalid Image". All of the pictures are on her DeviantArt account, and she has given me permission to use them. Is there something that I am doing wrong?

Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

Group Admin

4384572 Save it to your computer and upload it that way. The URL upload never works for me, and that's generally what I do to fix it.

Thanks much! I wondered if that's what I needed to do, so I'll give it a shot.

Group Admin

Let's see if I can't try explaining this:

You don't even need to save it to your computer, you just need to make sure you're linking directly to the image, not the page for the image. Right-click on the image and open it in a new tab to get the direct URL. Here's an example of the difference:

Image Page.
Gives "Invalid Image" message.

Image Only.

That did the trick! Thank you much, my friend! The pictures have been added, and this issue is resolved. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Glad I could help a little. :twilightsmile:

A little? It helped a lot. I was going to go crazy if I couldn't get this to work. :rainbowlaugh: Thanks to you and to tarkus9 for taking the time to leave a comment and help out.

Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

4384572 Seems like your question has been answered already, but I also wanted to add that I don't think you can upload cover art for a story from a URL at all anymore. I asked about it a week or two ago, and I was told that the feature was disabled and the only way is to upload it from your computer.

Not sure if that's still the case, though. With all the updating being done around here, everything keeps changing.

Hi, Panda, you're right about the cover art, and I have managed to upload that successfully in the past. As for images in the story itself, gameexpert1990 was able to find the solution. By right clicking on a picture and choosing to copy the image URL, I can then use that URL to post pictures in my story. The pictures have now been uploaded. :twilightsmile:

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