Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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As the title says, is there anyway I can mark all chapters in a story as read. I tend to download any story over 20,000 words as an E-book and read it on my kindle. Because of this, when I go to add the story to my favorites or tracking folder none of the chapters are marked as read. This can get really annoying with longer stories to the point where I put The Chase by kudzuhaiku into it's own folder because it had 463 unread chapters at the time.

I don't know if there is an option to do all at once but you can check them off by clicking the box where the green check mark is to manually mark them. Hope this helps


4392635 I know you can do that. But it gets really old, real fast especially with really long stories. The one i mentioned had 463 chapters.

Group Admin

Unfortunately, I don't think Fimfiction has that option right now. I just went through some of the comments in the FAQ and found this bit of info from about 14 weeks ago:

Question from DelphiDovahkiin:

1. Didn't there used to be an option to mark all chapters in a story as unread? What happened to that?

Answer from Meeester:

1. Feature is removed. Individual chapters must be marked.

That said, after a quick Google search, I did find this thread that apparently links to a script to mark all chapters as read/unread.

I have not tested that script, so I'm not even sure that it will work at all with all the changes the site has undergone recently... :unsuresweetie:


4395028 alright, thanks. I wish that was an option though.

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