Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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Hi all, I can write and have written before but I just have no drive to write lately, people have told me it’s a lack of motivation but I can’t seem to fix it. Heck I’ve gone to the gym more times excursing then writing lately. I can't even play a video game or anything…so if someone has the same problem let me know how to fix it.

I do have the same problem. I've been trying to find the motivation to finish my latest story so I can get to the next. My advice would be to find something you are excited to write about and that you want to write about. For me, that is when I find my motivation.

4451141 oh ok thx

You're welcome. I hope this helps.

4451104 My advice is to not force it. If you try to force your writing, then it may begin to seem like a chore and that will make you want to do it even less. You just have to wait.

But once that spark of inspiration appears, jump on it. Write like crazy until you can't write any more.

4451104 Maybe seek out the inspiration. This gave me quite a bit of inspiration and motivation to keep writing. Helped me, so I hope it helps you. Enjoy.

4451104 You don't need motivation. If you want your stories written then just write them.

Reading this in the news feed today... my first thought was
"Hey - you could link this Shia La Beuf-vid..."

It seems, you bet me by a half of a hour.

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