Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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Hello all, as you can tell by the thread title, I am looking for people to proofread/edit my story The Tale of Yorick the Brave, or the Knight of the Crystal Empire so far it has gotten some good response, but I would still like an extra pair of eyes or two to look over what I have and to pre-read my next chapter when I am finished writing it.

For those that are interested, my story is a [human] [alternate universe] [adventure] I have done numerous self edits but one reviewer pointed out that I am missing quite a few punctuations, so I will need help in that.

Even if you are not interested in proofreading/editing, head on over and give it a read and drop a review!

What ever you decided to do, I thank you for taking time to view my request.

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