Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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Sometimes I read stories that don't match one or more of their groups at all, but I can't figure out how to correct it. Any help?

4502246 Unless you're an admin of one of the groups or the author of the story, then you can't remove them from the groups.

June is partially right. The author of the story is not able to remove their story from a group; only an admin (or a contributor, depending on what powers they've been given) is able to remove it.

Your best bet to get the story removed would be to PM a member of that group and ask that the story be removed.

There's also a way that you can "blacklist" groups for your stories so they don't show up when users are browsing stories. That way, your readers won't see that it was added to flappy fedora.

Group Admin

Just to touch up a little on what 4502252 and 4502344 already said:

In order to remove a story from a group, you either have to be an administrator for that group, or the user who added the story to begin with. If you have the power to remove a story, there will be a little green trashcan icon next to the story's title in the folder.

Here's an example:

Like Scootareader said, your best bet would be to PM one of the group's admins if a story doesn't fit with the group.

If you are talking about the "Featured In" box of group's that shows up on a story's title page, only the author has control of what groups appear there.

p.s. to Scootareader:

only an admin (or a contributor, depending on what powers they've been given) is able to remove it.

Contributor's actually aren't able to delete stories they didn't add. Contrib status serves only two priveleges above regular group members: (1)Their name has a different icon next to it and they also appear higher up in the member list, and (2)they can add stories to folders that have contributor and higher posting permissions. That's really all contributor status does...

4502344 I knew that. :facehoof:

Not sure why I said author, because I know that isn't true. I meant to say the person who added it.

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