Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Simple question. How/can you shift around bookshelves so that one is before the other in your library?

Second question: Is there a place on the site I can ask these types of questions or find the answers without having to bug a group about it?

Thanks for any answers.

4526697 perhaps on the staff page

Could you direct me to there? My preferred method of travel is via hyperlink.

4526737 I dunno how to do that stuff but you can scroll to the bottom of any page and staff will be there

Oh, well that was.. well I guess I had never had any reason to go down that far on the page. :twilightsheepish:

BTW: The hyperlink button is the connected chains by the add image button on the top of your reply bar.

Group Admin

It would perhaps be more appropriate to ask in the comment section at the bottom of the site FAQ, rather than the staff page.

That said, don't worry about bugging this group, stuff like this is kind of what we're supposed to be here for. :twilightsmile: Unfortunately, I don't think we have the ability to shift bookshelves around in such a manner...

Ya, nobody else answer this thread. I just asked the mods and there is most certainly NOT a way to do what I desire.

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