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Comments ( 16 )
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I am in desperate need for someone that can be a dedicated proofreader/editor for me and even toss ideas back and forth with me.

I know this is a lot to ask for but I need all the help I can get. Any help is great help. So don't be shy.


Ok. Tell me - where's the problem.

Probably we could help each other. Especially with the "toss ideas back and forth-part".
I can help with editing and giving tips on how to enhance a story.
But I am no native speaker, so I may not be the best choice, when it comes to proof-read for errors (though, I think I'm slowly getting better with this).

4542444 For future reference, you have to hit the reply button so that 4542303 can see your comment.

I can do all the grammary stuff and whatnot, but not ideas.


:derpytongue2: ups. my bad.

and, cause we talk about... you should have hit the reply button as well :pinkiehappy:

4542668 I did, actually. Subtly. Instead of typing out the name of the OP, I hit the reply button. :twilightsmile:

Just being able to talk about the sort of ideas I have for tics and helping me with the next chapters of my currently running tics is good enough. I have lots of ideas but need lots of filters.

Thank you so much! I would be very indebted to you if you could help

But a question to both of you. I need quick responses and for you guys to be there if I need you. Its a lot to ask someone you don't know but I'm asking for a good reason. Can you guys do that? If not its fine, that just means I'll have to be more patient.

4543094 Sure thing, but it should be noted that I'm on my other account a lot more than this one.

Well as long as you can help I'm good. Do you have a preferred way to talk? Like pms or Skype?

4543315 Either way works, although I don't know the login for my Skype and can therefore only access it from my laptop.

I am regularly online with this account. At least once nearly every day. I respond to PMs as quick as I read them. And at the moment I don't have too much work.
Only if your message hit's me in the middle of the night, I might not respond until moring. (I live in Germany - UTC +1 and I still have issues to figure out time-zones.)

Okay, first question, have you read any of my fics? Its fine if not, I just want to know if you want to edit the chapters I've already uploaded

Thats fine. Is there any other way we can talk, like Skype? If not its fine

4543341 Nope, but I can still edit already published chapters.

Thank you so much for helping me out! I'm always on so ask me anything

I'd prefer PMs or maybe an IRC. My (spoken) English is far from perfect. And writing allows to think again, before posting.

So - I am off to bed now. Reading you tomorrow. :ajsleepy:

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