Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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Okay, as my title implied, I would like to try my hand at writing a horror story. I plan on posting it sometime around Halloween or "Nightmare Night" as some MLP fanatics might call it XD.

I learned a little while ago that, in order to makes something a certain type of scary, you have to resurface childhood fears... "attack the mind of the child" as it were. I've learned that this is effective because trying to "attack the mind of the adult" isn't quite as effective, because the fears of the adult are a lot more grounded in reality.

Basically, the premise of my story is... well, It's title. "Curse of the Were... Pony?" Yes, I do mean werewolves XD. (and yes... I know how to make them... not jokes, like "Twilight" and all the stupid teen werewolf shows nowadays made them out to be.) So, the childhood fear I'm sort of trying to resurface is the fear that your being hunted or chased by a vicious predator from the woods. One that we all had nightmares about at one point in our younger lives.

My question is, how the heck do I do that? How do I resurface something that the adult has long pushed to rest in the back of his/her mind?

4545283 , I still haven't fully left my childhood, so I may be able to help you. The fear, the dream where you are being chased can cause a child to become frantic. Think breathing fast, hearts feeling as though they are about to burst open, randomly running in panic. Also, thought you probably already know this, but the dark is ideal. The dark gives you a sense of terror, the unknown. People fear the unknown. Also, make the woods silent. That way the character will hear the rustling in the bushes that announce the monster's presence. The silence is errie, and adds felling to story.

4545283 Might be good to leave clues around like claw marks, shadows creeping behind them, maybe a blood curdling scream once or twice. Ooh another method would be mentioning old tales about wereponies and what might have happened to them.

Why not have it in some sort of first-person view where the gang is trying to figure out what happened by looking through the eyes of one of the people who were hunted? Say having small clues as Ryuku mentioned as they look through the eyes of the person slowly leading up to the climax where they, the person being hunted, are cornered into the old castle in the Everfree and then get slaughtered brutally? They, the person hunted, ran into there to get away from the were thing of course and instead ran into its home/hideaway/whatever.


These are all awesome Ideas guys! Thanks for the help! :pinkiehappy:

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