Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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I already have an Editor, but I thought it couldn't hurt to have someone to give me an opinion on my new written chapters, before giving them to my Editor. I could ask my Editor, but I don't want to overstrain him and thought it might be a good idea to ask if someone is interested in being a Prereader for it. You can find the link to the story here.

A Prereader is someone who gives an opinion about the story and not about the grammar, right? :twilightsheepish:

Yours sincerely



A Prereader is someone who gives an opinion about the story and not about the grammar, right? :twilightsheepish:

Think of a pre-reader as basically getting a very detailed comment on the story in advance. If your grammar is terrible, or they see mistakes, they might point it out like any reader in a comment would. I did a lot of correction in my former career as a prereader. But generally speaking, they're aimed more in the direction of the experience of the writing than a proofreader, who is aimed at the mechanics. Sometimes those meet, though.

To complete the trifecta, an editor more or less does all of it. They correct, and they analyze. The poor saps. There's also an implication of being able to make direct changes. But they don't necessarily have to, in the era of GDocs.


Thanks. That's good to know. :pinkiesmile:

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