Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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That FiMFiction didn't limit a writer to just pony fictions.

NOW BEFORE you guys get all antsy: I understand why Fimfiction limits you so, and I'm not asking it to change. I'm just saying it's a minor hindrance for my creative process. Especially when you have the inspiration to write about something other than ponies for once XD.

I have a fantasy story I've been working on sense I was like... ten, called "Sacred Warriors" And It has NOTHING to do with any universes already made. The universe it takes place in, and the people it has in it, are entirely my own. So I can't submit it to any "Fan Fiction" Web-sights either. Anyway's I have just recently decided to revamp it and make it more current to my age, and this world. Problem is, I want to share it with you guys! I just cant because FiMFiction doesn't allow for anything outside of the franchise to be written about here.

I would post chapters on DA, but the sight's called "DeviantArt" Not "DeviantStory", so no one is really going to read it there. Really, the closest I can get with writeing Sacred Warriors on FiM, is crossing it over with my Pony stories here. However, If I did that too often, the cannon of Sacred Warriors would get completely warped, and it's focus would be more on the issues of Equestria. Not the Issues of the three realms "Lazerith, Mondera, and Infinia" ... I think I did a piss poor job at explaining that... :rainbowlaugh: Well, you guy's understand what I mean right?

Anyways, I just want to ask, do any of you know good websights devoted to just simply; stories, on the broad scale of things? No specifics like "fan fiction" or "creepy pastas" or "pornographic stories". Just straight up stories. Places where writers can get themselves recognized for their original works. If you do, please comment a link down below.

Sleepy Panda
Group Admin


Have you tried Wattpad? :raritywink:

4609026 Never Heard of it... *looks it up*

*sees the first words about it on google* "Discover a world of Unlimited Stories"... sound's interesting, I'll look into it XD

4609026 Oh, Thank's BTW... Can't believe I forgot to type that in my last comment :derpytongue2: :rainbowlaugh:

4609021 Fimfiction is currently only meant for MLP. There is a plan afoot to make clones of it for every fandom out there. It just takes time. Perhaps one of the clones will support original fiction as well.

You should just publish it on DeviantArt. If your story is good, it will spread by itself and you shall have many readers. In the worst case scenario, you will only get a few readers, which is still better than none.

Group Admin


I would post chapters on DA, but the sight's called "DeviantArt" Not "DeviantStory", so no one is really going to read it there.

Maybe some won't really read it over there, but then again perhaps some actually will. Even if you do only get a small audience, why not post it there?

Here's a fun fact about myself: I was introduced to Fimfiction because of a story I was reading over on DA. :twilightsmile: Also, I firmly believe that literature is a form of art, as well.


There is a plan afoot to make clones of it for every fandom out there. It just takes time. Perhaps one of the clones will support original fiction as well.

The way I understand it is that the site will eventually expand to fiction in general, which includes both fan works and original stories...

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