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What SOPA is
I'm extremely worried about this. What do you think will happen to fan fiction if this passes?
I don't know what I would do with my life if this site were ever taken down...

4612684 Really? My friend told me it is causing a huge stir recently...

4612685 There was a discussion in art for fanfiction. The current one is a hoax or something like that. Check out the thread.

4612687 I can't find it right off the bat. Could you link it to me please?

4612699 Phew, good thing that's a hoax. That would have been pretty crazy if not...
I know that this SOPA thing is not a hoax though and has been put on the table again for congress to review of something

This is probably the third fake SOPA since it actually got defeated. :facehoof:

Apparently it is the hoax that keeps on giving.

4612725 That would be great if it is a hoax. I'd never be so happy look like an idiot :rainbowkiss:

The Wiki article on SOPA is pretty informative. The one right here.

According to Wikipedia, not all of the efforts are fake.

The 2014 Sony Pictures hack revealed that the MPAA has continued its efforts to enact SOPA-like blocking principles since the bill died in Congress. The emails indicated that the MPAA was actively exploring new strategies to implement SOPA-like regulations, such as using the All Writs Act to “allow [the MPAA] to obtain court orders requiring site blocking without first having to sue and prove the target ISPs are liable for copyright infringement.”The MPAA has also allied itself with National Association of Attorneys General president Jim Hood, who supports SOPA principles and has stated that “Google’s not a government… they don’t owe anyone a First Amendment right… if you’re an illegal site, you ought to clean up your act, instead of Google making money off it.” On November 27, 2013, Hood sent a letter to Google outlining his grievances. It was later revealed that much of the letter was drafted by the law firm representing the MPAA.

On October 21, 2014, Hood issued a subpoena to Google for information about, among other items, its advertising partnerships and practices concerning illegal and sexual content.Google requested an injunction to quash the subpoena from the United States District Court of the Southern District of Mississippi, Northern Division. Google was granted such an injunction on March 2, 2015. The injunction also prevented Hood from bringing a charge against Google for making third-party content available to internet users. Effectively, the injunction protected Google from having Hood's claims enforced until after the conclusion of the case.

An MPAA spokesperson criticized Google’s use of the First Amendment, accusing the company of using freedom of speech “as a shield for unlawful activities.”Leaders in the technology industry commended the federal court for issuing the injunction. In addition, one of Google's head lawyers noted that "[w]e're pleased with the court's ruling, which recognizes that the MPAA’s long-running campaign to censor the web — which started with SOPA — is contrary to federal law."

Bear in mind that this is Wikipedia I'm quoting; they don't fuck around with SOPA information. Another good and very related article related to leaked info from the Sony hack over here. This is as recent as October 2014.

EDIT: I think I remember hearing this mentioned somewhere, but looking into this stuff can be pretty entertaining.

On December 27, the North Korean National Defence Commission released a statement accusing Obama of being "the chief culprit who forced the Sony Pictures Entertainment to indiscriminately distribute the movie ... Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest."

4612754 It suck that things have to be so complicated and people have to be so difficult. I just want to read some pony fics without constantly worrying about them being taken down.

SOPA has nothing to do with ponyfic. :twilightsmile: Our stories have not been threatened in any tangible way lately. SOPA has to do with illegally downloading and distributing things like movies, music, and video games. Stories freely published and shared, like on this site, aren't impacted whatsoever by SOPA.

4612778 Oh, well that's good. I assumed it covered fan fiction also because it is technically copyright infringement even though it is harmless (most of the time)

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