Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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Name's Elusith, and well, this is a bit of self-promotion but I'm also asking for help!

Anyways, I'm a lazy guy, but I want some reviews for this story, so I decided, why not kill two birds with one stone? Basically, it will be this simple, anyone who would so kind as to review my story, just post a link to your story below and I'll read it and review it first chance I get! Helps me get some motive to kill off my laziness too, sense of duty and all that stuff that makes me want to repay the favor! Also, for some reasons, I find it easier to review other stories than my own, weird, right?

The link to my story: Chrome, The Path He Walked

I'll only review those who had reviewed my stories, cause a review for a review! All kinds of reviews are accepted, so long as they fall into the logic pool, say... If you don't like something, tell me why and I'll work on it! No rage reviews allowed though, sorry guys!

If You don't want your reviews seen, you can always pm me instead! If not, just leave it on the comments section of the story!

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