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Hey, everybody! I'm having some trouble getting ideas lined up for a project I'm working on, and I would appreciate any help, ideas or suggestions!

I'm writing an OC story. The character is in my profile picture. His name is Mousetrap. He's a computer expert/ experienced hacker. Haven't come up with a picture for his humanized version yet, though. I'm not sure whether I want the story to be humanized or pony. Here are the things I've come up with for the story so far:

-Mousetrap lives in Manehattan, a busy city where his line of work goes underpaid and under-appreciated, since there are many tech-savvy ponies in that area.
-He receives an email from his cousin in Ponyville, Vinyl Scratch. She tells him that she received his last email in which he complained to her about the lack of work. She then explains that if he moved over to Ponyville with her and her roommate, he could work for her as a stagehand/equipment and sound technician at her shows.
-I don't want this story to be a cliche OC story where every character immediately becomes friends with him. I want it to be somewhat realistic, maybe have some of the locals in Ponyville ostracize him a little bit since they don't know him.
-Still not sure if I should pair him with anyone, and even if I wanted to, I'm not sure who to pair him with.
-Mousetrap is going to have a device similar to Aiden's phone from the game Watch Dogs. He uses this to get him out of troubling situations.
-I also have no idea what to title the story. Suggestions are welcome!
-I would also like to have a proof/pre-reader before I publish the story.

Any ideas would be appreciated! You'll be credited once the story's first chapter is published! Thank you!

I personally think that ostracizing somepony because you don't know them would be a good idea. More like they would be curious first, then they evaluate him based on his personality, then they decide whether to be friends.

Maybe spice things up with something that occurs without the use of magic? A robbery of sorts? Maybe even a scandal?

Human would be easier as you are a human, so yeah. Pony, well, more colors to play around with. So..... have fun! Hope this helps

4620139 Okay. So.
-vinyl's cousin
-uberleet edgy hacker
-Ponyville is a friendly city. I don't see how its citizens being at the very least friendly with a new arrival is anything bad. I do see random ostracism as retarded.
-none of the Mane Six if you want to make it out alive.
-No. Nix the stupid cell phone. 1, Watch Dogs was fucking stupid. 2, Its function relied upon the citywide network linking everything to do anything. It has no place in Equestria.

So, 5/5, would downvote story.

4620139 a that's really good! I have a good idea, so he could like become best friends with her roommate and she gets like jelly idk. And maybe the name can be: Mousetrap, the Amazing Hacker

4620145 Thanks for the input :)

4620325 I really do appreciate your input, dude, so this is not meant to rebuttal against your points, just wanna clarify.
-In hindsight, ostracize was the wrong word to use. Maybe just more apprehensive or unsure about him. Thank you for pointing out that Ponyville is generally a pretty friendly city.
-I am definitely not going to be pairing him with any of the Mane Six. I think that idea is a little tired and overused.
-I don't wanna make the phone really OP; the hacking wouldn't be instant and be able to get into everything like Aiden's phone, I was just using the base idea.

Again, I really appreciate your input. It was good to see your viewpoints. Thanks, dude!

4620648 Thanks for your ideas, dude! I appreciate the contribution :D

4621320 girl....I'm a girl :twilightoops:

4621316 also, ponyville has grown into a proper city. There's a lot of ponies there, so most wouldn't know him.
You're still missing the infrastructure, and Watchdogs was still stupid.

4621369 sorry, I just call everyone dude. Sorry, dudette

4621625 Ok that makes sense. Also, Watchdogs being stupid is more of an opinion, whilst you're saying it more as if it's a fact. Just saying..

4621884 Well see. An opinion is just a fact that not many people agree with. It is a fact that Watchdogs was shit from any way you look at it.
The driving sucked. The gunning sucked. The hack puzzles were retardedly convoluted. Your reward for all kinds of stupid shit was clothes. That were just a repaint of your normal outfit.

4622078 Fair enough, man. I'm sure some people would agree with you. We cool now? Can we move on to something that's relevant. Lol

4623141 Dude, you've made your point, ok? XD let's move on. I can taste your saltiness through my screen. lol

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