Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Hey guys, re-promoting my story again! It's called Chrome, The Path He Walked. About a friend turned Villain of the Mane Six (well, not really all of them, not to mention countless others too.) who took over the Crystal Kingdom, and we would be having glimpses of both his past and present at the same time.

Status: In progress

Spoiler alert: The princesses fear him, however, it's not because he's like waaaaaay more powerful than them, that's all I'll reveal for now

Anyway! On to the real topic, well, I'll be really grateful if any of you potential readers would take some time to review my stories, like its good and bad points and areas of improvement. In exchange, I'll be glad to review your stories in return! Sort of a double self promotion, as I'm quite confident of my skills as a reviewer. Only problem with my skills was when I try to review my own work, pride of self hindering me. So, I'll be mighty grateful if you could help me review my work, and if you had done so, and want reviews for your own, just drop me a comment here or send me a PM. Thanks for reading!

4636006 I'm a sin person on reading sins! I can ask my friends cause I'm busy doing my own stuff. If you want I can ask someone, I bet they would love to help!

4636170 Sure! That would be great! If you or they need my help, you can always ask too! Thanks for offering tho :yay:

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