Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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I need them. For example, what should I do if I mess up?

4639108 You don't have to do it perfectly in one go. You can make mistakes and edit them out. You can use Audacity for this.


First off, make sure you have a good microphone. IT doesn't have to be perfect, I myself use a logtech headset for my stuff and its done me well. Two, when you hit a flub, just delete it in audacity and retake. Also, I advise taking some peanut butter or honey before you start, it helps with the mucas.

Now, this is something I do for myself before I start, but start talking a little. It helps loosen the vocal chords and can help to serve as a way to get your mind settled.

The most important though, when you flub, is just to have a little fun with it. If its during some character dialouge, pretend that they slip their lines.

Also put yourself in a good recording enviroment. I use my room with my fans off and away from the downstairs. I don't know your house, but find where you can be sure certain interruptions (family, phone, cars, or kitty cats) are minimal.

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