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You know, like pc-ing him/her whenever I need someone to check my story and proofread it. Is this allowed?

Group Admin

4664233 There's no rule against it, you just have to find someone who's willing. What do you need edited?


Although having such an editor is an ideal that all of us writers would truly enjoy, it's simply not practical as many, if not most, members on the site have real-life matters such as jobs or families they must take care of so they're simply not always here.

I would suggest that you make arrangements with your favorite editor to meet at a certain time every day where you can discuss things. Although this idea might bother you it would be much better for you both in the long run as it would encourage you to do your own research and develop your writer disciplines and habits. By doing that you'll also help your editor by improving your work thus giving them less to do come edit time. Win/win.

4664697 I don't even have an editor at first place, I mean Sunflower is an editor (wait, editors only look for grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling mistakes right?), but she's pretty busy and haven't replied to me. I need a proofreader too, but Idk how should I go look for one (Looking For Editors isn't helpful, I never received help except once out of all the stories I posted on there, and that was Sunflower).

Well, that's a bit of a tough spot, isn't it? There's any number of boards on FIMfiction net where you can ask for - and find - an editor to help you.

You can try here at The Writer's Group and I'm sure you'll be able to find someone who will help you. It has a huge membership and lots of great resources. Also, if you need any further help with this feel free to PM me. :twilightsmile:

4664233 There are more writers than editors. If you get one (even if the editor isn't reliable), you can consider yourself lucky.

Group Admin

It's possible to look for one, yes. Actually finding one you can always rely on is another matter, however.

If you do find one, there really isn't anything stopping you from PM'ing them with a request for editing, but don't be too discouraged if they don't get back to you.

Also, a few of these groups may help you in your search for an editor. :pinkiesmile:

You're welcome. My pleasure. Best of luck with that and I hope you find exactly what you're looking for and if you need any further help feel free to PM me. :twilightsmile:

And thank you too, Gamxpert1990. :twilightsmile:


Regarding that, BD, I have to say that I think I've been incredibly lucky because I've not only found an amazing collab partner who has become very dear friends with my wife and I but I've been incredibly lucky to find an absolutely amazing editor who spots every little flaw and corrects them and is wonderfully reliable. Yeah, I'm really counting my blessings and I'm hoping everyone here can be as lucky. That would be so cool!

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